29 || Tear Necklace

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Third Person P.O.V.

"I forgot how fun this was." Puppet said as she inhaled the brisk night air.

"It has been a while hasn't it?" Mr. Compress agreed.

Puppet and Mr. Compress were sitting on the roof of a building with their feet hanging off the edge. They decided to stop and chat for a bit.

Puppet let out a sigh right before she flopped onto her back on the concrete roof and stared up at the stars. It was around 10pm now so it was, for the most part, quiet and the sky was devoid of all clouds.

Mr. Compress mimicked her action and laid down beside her.

"What's your opinion on Hawks?" Puppet asked.

"Well there's a sudden question. I haven't spent the slightest bit of time with the lad, he seems far too arrogant for my liking." He answered with complete honesty, "What provoked the question if I may ask?"

"He won't leave me alone, last Sunday he insisted on having lunch with me."

"Perhaps he likes you."

Puppet sat up, "Ew, no. That's disgusting, Atsuhiro."

Mr. Compress chuckled, "Going onto another subject..." He sat up as well, "There was a reason for going to a jewelry store."

Puppet gave an interested hum.

"I got you something- well stole anyway." He held up a blue marble in one hand and snapped with his other. The marble decompressed into a necklace.

Puppet eyed the necklace that Mr. Compress was now holding up for her to see. The necklace had a relatively thin sterling silver chain and held a tear charm on the end.

The teardrop at the end had been frozen in time by a quirk and then crystallized after a long period of time

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The teardrop at the end had been frozen in time by a quirk and then crystallized after a long period of time. She liked it.

"May I?" Mr. Compress asked.

Puppet obliged and turned around so her back was facing him. Mr. Compress clipped the dainty chain around her neck then moved her hair out from under it so it didn't look awkward. He then backed away so she could turn back to face him, and that's exactly what she did.

Puppet picked up the tear in the palm of one of her hands and examined it closer. The indigo color of the teardrop faded to the top of it.

"Well? Do you like it, my dear?" Mr. Compress asked, he was quite eager to hear her answer.

"I do. Thanks, Atsuhiro." She gave him a warm smile.

"Good, I thought you would." He said back.

Puppet let the tear fall from her hand and back into place connected to the chain around her neck. "Was everything else we stole for fun?" She asked.

"Yes, that was for pure enjoyment." Mr. Compress answered with a slight chuckle.

"Sell it maybe?" She inquired.

"Most likely. I'll find somewhere." He answered.

"If not I'm sure Giran would gladly find someone to buy it for you."

Mr. Compress chuckled, his shoulders slightly rising and falling as he did so, "I'm sure he would."

Mr. Compress sighed, "I do believe it is about time we start to head back." He suggested, "The others will think something rather unfortunate happened to us."

"Yeah, sadly you're right." Puppet agreed and stood up.

Mr. Compress placed his hand on his knee and pushed himself up into a standing position, "Then let's get going, my dear."

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