11 || First Assignment

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Puppets P.O.V.

For the several hours I had stayed in my temporary room, I had opened the window trying to get the musty smell out and I had been playing with my strings. I was bored as hell.

I decided to leave my room to go down to the bar. I wasn't a people person, but at this point I honestly just wanted to talk to someone to help pass the time until I became tired, which would take a while.

I came down the stairs and down to the bar, Shigaraki looked at me like I had two heads. Kurogiri was standing behind the bar cleaning a glass in his hand.

"Oh right she's here now." Shigaraki said dully as he turned his head back to the bar.

"Gee thanks." I said sarcastically as I sat a stool over from him to his left.

"Did you need something?" Kurogiri asked.

"No, I just want to know what's going on in the world." I replied, "To put it simply, I'm bored."

"Welcome to the club." Shigaraki groaned from next to me.

"Well you're still on the news." Kurogiri stated.

"Good to know I left an influence."

"Yup." Shigaraki said as he placed his forehead on the counter.

"Later tonight Hawks will be coming here for his first assignment." Kurogiri began.

"Oh really? Good for him." I said pretending to sound interested.

"He will be getting information for us from Endeavor's hero agency." Kurogiri explained.

"Aren't you worried he'll screw up?" I asked.

"Dabi will be keeping an eye on him." Kurogiri answered.

"And if he fails he will either be turned to ash by Dabi, or to dust by me." Shigaraki added suddenly coming back into the conversation.

"What time will he be here?" I asked.

"I told him to be here by seven forty-five." Kurogiri answered. He must have set this up since Shigaraki has almost absolutely no ability to plan ahead without help.

It was 7:30 now. "I'll be on the roof when he comes, I want nothing to do with him." I said cooly. "In fact, I'll go up there now."

I got up from the bar and went up to the roof.

Hawks' P.O.V.

'I should be on time.' I told myself as I started to walk down the alley next to the bar. The sun was starting to set on the horizon.

I looked at my watch, 7:42. 'I'm too fast again.' I thought as I opened the bar door and went inside.

I was greeted by the warp villain Kurogiri, "Welcome, Hawks."

"What did you want me for?" I asked.

"You're getting your first task." Shigaraki said sitting at the bar with his hand mask on his face.

"Tell me what it is and I'll get it done." I said.

"Kurogiri, explain it to him." Shigaraki ordered.

Kurogiri sighed, "You will be retrieving information from Endeavor's hero agency and bringing it to us."

"Okay, what information?" I asked, genuinely curious about what they might want from the agency.

"Since he's now the number one hero, he will have information on us. Get it." Shigaraki said, clearly impatient.

"When can you get the information?" Kurogiri asked me.

I went over my schedule for the next week in my head. "Next time I go to Endeavor's agency is Tuesday, I can get the information and get it to you by Tuesday night." I answered.

"That works perfectly, be here by nine o'clock Tuesday night." Kurogiri said.

"Kay." I responded, "By the way, is anyone else here?" I asked looking around the room, the bar was completely empty besides Shigaraki, Kurogiri, and me.

A few seconds after I asked Kurogiri responded, "Only Puppet Master who is on the roof."

'So she's here.' I thought.

"Is that all you want?" I asked prepared to leave.

"Yes. Now leave." Shigaraki hissed.

"Okay then." I said as I turned and walked out of the bar.

Once I got outside I started thinking, 'So I have to get information from Endeavor, that shouldn't be too hard.'

I looked up towards the roof of the bar, 'I might as well go say hi.'

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