58 || Present Mic's Fear

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Present Mic's P.O.V.

I woke up in a chair with my movement restricted by chains around my chest and stomach, keeping me sitting back, my ankles were chained to the legs of the chair while my wrists were chained to the arms of the chair.

The crook of my right arm was throbbing. My shoulder also faintly hurt from the syringe that Puppet Master had stabbed into me, but that must've been a while ago since it didn't hurt that much anymore.

The first thing I noticed in the room was Aizawa, he was several feet in front of me and was chained to a chair identical to the one I was in sitting in the same exact position. Unlike me, he was out cold with his head hanging to the side resting on his shoulder. We were facing each other.

I noticed his capture weapon wasn't around his neck, and I noticed my directional speaker that was previously around my neck was gone too. They had disarmed us of our support items.

"AiZAwA." My voice came out muffled as I tried to speak. I realized I was gagged by a bandanna to the point where it got hard for me to breathe through my mouth (he doesn't have nostrils, welcome to the world of bnha defying basic human anatomy).

A groan came from Aizawa as he began to stir awake. I was relieved to know he was at least alive. He blinked his eyes several times as he lifted his head off his shoulder.

"Ya-Yamada..?" He asked groggily. I nodded but didn't say anything knowing it would be useless.

The clinks of chains were audible in the quiet room as Aizawa struggled, trying to get out of his chains.

After a minute or so he stopped and just sat there. He looked at me, "You okay?"

I nodded.

The door to the room opened with a slight creaking sound and we both looked over. Puppet Master stepped into the room, she had a knife in hand.

"Good to see you two are awake." She spoke while twirling the knife skillfully in her hand.

"How did you know we were coming?" Aizawa questioned her sourly.

"You're forgetting that there's a traitor within the walls of UA. If something happens, we'll know." Puppet answered calmly and with the faintest hint of a smile pulling at the sides of her lips.

"And why go through the trouble to bring us here?" He demanded.

"We needed blood and information. We got one, now I'm here to persuade you to give us the other." She responded.

'Blood? Is that why my arm is throbbing? They took our blood?' I pieced it together.

"We're not giving you any information. Go to hell." Aizawa spat.

Puppet only smiled, "I already know I've reserved myself a spot in hell. At this point it's really go big or go home."

A few silent seconds passed before Puppet spoke again, "There was a reason we brought both of you here." She told, "One of you is going to give us the information we want..." She gestured to me, "And if we don't get that information, something... unfortunate will happen to the other." She finished and side glanced Aizawa ominously.

I glared at her. I contemplated using my quirk, even through the gag. My posture shifted as much as the chains restraining me would allow. I didn't have my directional speaker, so I would have to be careful of not hitting Aizawa. I looked at him, trying to signal him in some way. The bad thing was the wrong person had caught onto my signal.

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