67 || "Surrender."

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Eraser Heads P.O.V.

The building collapsed under Mics quirk, though it wasn't really in our favor. Mic had been separated from me by falling debris but Puppet had also been separated from Dabi.

Puppet had jumped at me and tackled me to the ground right before the ceiling collapsed around us, closing us in. Now I was in a one on one against her.

Puppet jumped up off me and a few feet away. Due to all the rubble, the space we were in right now was small and confined, there wasn't much room to maneuver. I quickly got to my feet, making sure to not blink or take my eyes off her.

Puppet wasted no time in running at me. She kicked at my head, probably trying to quickly end this fight.

I quickly blocked with my arm and grabbed her ankle. I pulled her towards me, making her momentarily lose her balance and wobble.

I used the opportunity and elbowed her in the head. The force behind the blow was much less than I had hoped, but it still flung her back a few feet. She was momentarily dazed by the blow, and I used that to my advantage.

I grabbed her and spun her around, forcing her into a headlock. I tugged her head back and she stumbled into me. I held her against myself to decrease her chances of getting away. Her hands grabbed onto my arm, trying to loosen my grip as I pulled my arm tight around her neck.

She jerked around a bit and grunted as my grip on her became more secured.

"Surrender." I spoke right into her ear.

"You would like that, wouldn't you?" She spat out, her words were a bit choked by my grip on her neck.

Puppet lifted her foot and before I could move, she stomped onto my foot with the heel of her boot. I winced and let out a slight sound but I didn't blink and my grip on her didn't waver.

One of her hands let go of my arm and I felt a sudden pain in my right side. I realized she had elbowed me, hard too. My body jerked a bit to the side in response and her other hand left my arm as well, then I felt another pain, this time in my left side.

Now my grip on her accidentally loosened just a smidge, allowing her to move just a bit more freely. She swung her head back at my own and head-butted my face, right in the nose. This caused me to let go of her and my eyes closed at the pain, it felt like my nose was broken even though it probably wasn't.

The pain became the least of my worries as I felt thin strings wrap around me.

Puppets P.O.V.

A wide grin appeared on my face as I pulled on my strings, tightening them around Eraser. I was probably pulling them a bit too tight for him, but if I didn't where would the fun be?

I lifted him up into the air so he had no contact with the floor. His nose looked bloody from me head-butting him to free myself from his headlock.

I rubbed my neck. The hold he had had on me was strong and uncomfortable. Now that I was free, the feeling was just irritating. Once the feeling subsided I dropped my hand back down to my side.

"You blinked, Eraser~" I teased.

He looked at me with a glare, his teeth grit into an angry snarl, "You also made a critical error." He shot back at me.

I took a few steps towards him, pulling back on my strings to make sure I didn't lose my hold on him. "Oh? And what did I do wrong?" I asked mockingly.

"You underestimated us."

Mics quirk suddenly blasted me in the back. I was shot forward towards Eraser. My strings weren't hooked around or onto anything, only my fingers so the hold my strings had on Eraser loosened to the point that he was able to regain his footing on the ground.

I felt my quirk being erased again and my arm was grabbed quickly by Eraser, he wasn't going to allow me any time to counter his actions. He swiped his foot along the ground trying to trip me, I jumped to avoid it but that only gave him more of an upper hand.

Eraser slammed me down to the ground hard. My eyes shut reflexively at the impact and the wind was knocked out of me. I quickly regained myself and opened my eyes to see him recoil his fist and punch right at my head. He was trying to knock me out.

I jolted my head to the side and dodged his fist by a few inches and he punched the solid ground instead of me. I wasn't completely pinned down, so I quickly twisted my body onto its side and kicked him off me. I was able to hook my foot around his side and swung him down on the ground instead of myself, turning the tables on him.

Before I could do anything more, I got punched in the face by a right hook. I had nearly forgotten about him, I was more focused on Eraser, but Mic was an equally skilled hero.

The hit sent me away from Eraser and tumbling down to the ground. I tasted an irony taste in my mouth and I felt a warm liquid on corner of my lips. I used the back of my hand to wipe away the bit of blood.

I thought back to the fight in the theater I had with Eraser, it was two on one then with him against me and Dabi. Now that same thing was happening in reverse to me, Mic and Eraser having the advantage.

'Karma's a bitch.'

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