36 || Attack?!

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Hawks' P.O.V.

I stood up from the ground and shook my wings, ridding them of as much dust as I could. I had shielded myself from the explosion with my wings so I still remained in the now demolished room that had been the bar.

I looked around, everyone else was gone, no heroes or villains besides myself were around me. The room was in ruins, the chairs and small tables broken and shards of shattered glass littered the floor.

'The heroes aren't supposed to be here, I didn't give them any information!' I started to relay my thoughts, 'Where did they get this information from? Surely they would have warned me about an attack.'

"Hawks!" I heard Dabi's voice call from the rubble below. I jumped over a crumbled wall and down to him. Shigaraki was standing next to him as well.

"Did you have any idea this was happening?!" Shigaraki spat out.

"No. I swear I had no idea." I answered truthfully.

"Then that means your compromised. Perfect, just perfect." Shigaraki had a minor tantrum.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"Why not go find them yourself." Dabi lazily suggested.

"'Kay." I opened my wings and flew off in search of the other members of the League.

Third Person P.O.V.'s

Mr. Compress:

Mr. Compress picked up his hat from the ground, dusted it off, and placed it back on his head. "Well that was a show." He muttered to himself.

The plan was that as a last resort he would have a specialized bomb (courtesy of Giran) that would set off if he decompressed it. It worked, now the League was no longer in imminent danger of being apprehended by the heroes.

He looked around and saw the unconscious figure of Kurogiri laying a few feet away from him. He reached over and tapped Kurogiri's back and compressed him. Then he ran off searching for all the other League members.

Twice and Toga:

"Toga? Toga wake up... Please?" Twice pleaded to Toga who was knocked briefly unconscious by the fall they both just took.

Toga let out a quiet squeak as she regained consciousness and tried to move only to realize her left ankle felt like it was sprained.

Twice let out a sigh of relief knowing she was still alive. He noticed her struggling to try and stand.

"Hey!" Toga squealed as she was picked up bridal style by Twice.

"You're hurt, I'm so sorry. Be more careful." Twice apologized(...?). He carried her while he maneuvered through the rubble to try to find the other members of the League.


"Damn, that hurt." Puppet groaned as she stood up from the ground and cracked her back successfully. She had been blown through a wall of the bar and into a neighboring building.

Puppet looked around, it seemed she was alone, at least for the time being. She could hear a few people who she assumed were heroes talking right outside of where she was.

Puppets P.O.V.

"Who are we looking for? Which member?" Asked a deep male voice.

"Edgeshot said to look for Puppet Master. He said she was blown this way." Said a female voice. "Eraser Head said to be careful too, she's agile and powerful."

'So Eraser is part of this. Fun.' I thought to myself.

"How many of us are looking for her?" The male voice asked.

"Hmm... let's see... there's you and me, Gang Orca... and I think that's it." The female answered.

'That's not too many, I can handle that.' I thought.

"Let's hope the blast knocked her out."

"Let's check here." The male voice said.

I quickly ducked behind a pile of bricks that broke from the wall and waited as footsteps stepped into the building I was in.

There were two heroes, I recognized them from way back when the League of Villains attacked the UA training camp. They were two heroes from the Wild Wild Pussycats team, Tiger and Pixie-bob.

'She has an earth altering quirk, as long as she doesn't touch the ground I should be fine.' I thought as I eyed Pixie-bob. I looked over at Tiger, 'And I'm not too worried about him- so long as he can't cut my strings that is.'

I shot out some strings from my fingers and wrapped them around both of the heroes. Their gaze's snapped over to me. Pixie-bob reached out to try to touch the floor but her arms weren't long enough.

Tigers limbs quickly grew and stretched before I could do anything about it. He used the claws on the gloves of his hero costume to slice through my strings, freeing both himself and Pixie-bob.

As soon as Pixie-bob touched the floor, she used her quirk. The earth beneath me started to move upward and I lost my footing, I had to put one of my hands on the ground to steady myself.

"Damn." I cursed under my breath as I was shot up through the roof and out of the building. I backflipped off the piece of still moving earth and landed onto the concrete top of the building.

I looked around at my surroundings, I caught a glimpse of vermillion wings and beige out of the corner of my eye. I turned completely and made eye contact with Hawks right before I turned back to pay attention to Tiger and Pixie-bob who had just come up through the hole in the roof.

Hawks' P.O.V.

I was flying a good way away from where the League was. I was looking for one person specifically, I was looking for Puppet.

To the left of me, a roof was destroyed and I saw a hint of a black and white outfit. I turned, it was Puppet, she had been shot out of the building through the concrete roof. She backflipped off of a piece of moving earth and onto part of the roof that was still intact.

She looked around and her gaze fell to me. We made eye contact for a brief moment right before she turned back when two cat-like heroes jumped up onto the roof.

Puppet backed up slowly towards the edge of the roof closer to me. Once she was closer she turned and ran towards the edge of the roof. She jumped off the roof with her arm stretched out towards me.

I didn't use my feathers to catch Puppet because I had no idea who was nearby and I didn't want to get in her way if she decided to turn on the heroes midair and pull some sort of trap card. Instead, I quickly flew and reached out to her with my hand. I caught her, our hands gripping each other's wrists and forearms tightly so our grasp didn't slip.

I tugged her up towards me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and back, holding her against my chest so I could have a more secure grip on her. She didn't protest, she gave in and let me hold her close.

I looked out for a path to fly. I saw a horde of pro heroes coming our direction. I turned and flew the other way, back towards the League.

But Puppet stopped me from going back.

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