86 || Kite

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Puppets P.O.V.

The flight was took about 10 minutes and it was a lovely day for a fly in Hawks' opinion. The sun was high and bright in the sky and the sky was a beautiful blue. The sky wasn't completely filled with clouds but there were enough for us to fly above in order to stay more hidden to people that might happen to be below.

Hawks took us to a small field atop a cliff. It was isolated and I could tell why he hadn't seen any people here before, it was hard to get to without wings.

Once we arrived, Hawks took the kite out of the case and started to assemble the it. He used his feathers to help, using them as if they were his own hands to move different things to him.

It took him an impressive three minutes to assemble the intricate kite. Picking the kite up he walked over to me.

"Rule number one: never take your eyes off the kite for more than a few seconds, you'll lose control." He stated firmly.

He handed me the lines of the kite. There were two, probably to keep the kite under better control. I took one of the lines in each hand and held them firmly.

"I'll get you started up in the air." He took off holding the kite. Up he went, until the reins of the kite got pulled straight. He held the kite right in the wind.

"You ready?!" He called.

I got into a good firm stance, "Yeah!" I called back.

"Balance is key! Get it steady and don't hit me!"

"No promises!"

He let go of the kite and quickly flew out of the way so I wouldn't hit him.

I felt the strong pull of the wind catching in the kite. I dug my boots into the ground and pulled on the lines to keep it equal. It was hard until I steadied it above myself, getting it under control. A whistling noise was made as the wind split around the fabric of the kite.

"Now try and regain control!" He called.

'Wait what?' I questioned.

I saw a few of his feathers push the kite and I suddenly lost control. I was pulled forward by the wind in the kite but I was able to regain my footing. I pulled on both the lines and shortly after got the kite steady again.

I played around a bit and pulled lightly on the left line, then the right line making a figure-eight pattern.

"Good job! Now just keep steady!" Hawks flew over and started gliding next to the kite.

I purposely pulled on the right line and swerved directly into Hawks, though he was able to quickly fly out of the way. Had he not moved, the kite probably would have injured him.

"Might wanna get outta the way little birdie!" I called up teasingly.

"You did that on purpose!" He yelled down.

'Maybe.' I thought smugly.

Hawks flew down and landed. He walked behind me and lightly grabbed both my wrists without disrupting my hold on the lines of the kite. His head was by the left side of my head.

"Wanna learn some tricks?" He asked.


"Well you already did a figure-eight so I'd say you could do some circles."


He started to give me some instructions, "So you just need to pull hard on one of the lines, then you do a circle. The lines'll cross then to get them back to normal you'll do a circle the opposite way."

Hawks let go of my wrists and backed up, "Go ahead and give it a try." He encouraged.

I pulled on the right line and tried to do a circle but it looked too wide and it felt like I was going to lose control, so I quickly straightened out.

"Trust yourself." Hawks said from behind me.

I did just that. I pulled hard on the right line and didn't let up like before. Sure enough, the kite made a full circle. I repeated the process in reverse to get the lines untangled.

"Nice. Now let's try something else." I heard Hawks walking up behind me again, "You have good instincts with the kite, so just remember to maintain that control."

He leaned next to my ear, "And don't let go."

Before I could question him, Hawks' hands suddenly pushed me forward and up slightly. My feet left the ground and the kite swooped me up into the air.

"HAWKSSSSS!!!" I screamed.

"Stay focused!" I heard him call.

I was being flown through the air by the kite as if I were weightless. My eyes screwed shut and I desperately tightened my hold on the lines as I flew. I couldn't let go to do anything otherwise I would surly lose control and fall.


"Nah, you're still holding the lines right?! That means you're the one with the control!"

"GET ME DOWN!!" I screamed.

I felt his hands on my waist, steadying me. "You're fine. I won't let anything bad happen to you, I promise." He said in a soft voice. "Now open your eyes."

"Okay, okay." I took a deep breath and calmed myself. I opened my eyes and looked up at the kite.

"Just control it as if you were on the ground, then you'll turn." He instructed.

I lightly pulled on the left line and felt the kite turn slightly. I smiled, this wasn't so bad.

"I'm gonna let go of you." Hawks warned.

I held my breath as I felt his hands leave my waist. He started gliding next to me.

I took my eyes off the kite for a moment to look over at him. He smiled at me. I gave him a genuine smile back.

I looked back up at the kite, there was something incoming. It looked like the kite was about to hit it.



In a moment of adrenaline, I swung up my right leg and planted my foot on the right line of the kite. The pressure caused the kite to turn away. I dropped my leg back down with a relieved sigh.

"That's one way to do it.." I mumbled, though my voice was carried away by the wind.

"Would you have taken offense if I had hit that bird?" I joked.

He looked at me, his eyes slightly widened. "Did you just make a joke?! You?!"

I nearly regretted my decision to try and make a joke. "Hey, don't get used to it." I snapped.

He laughed, "Trust me, I won't. But I wouldn't have taken offense if you hit the bird. Remember, my favorite food is chicken."

That was true, he did love chicken. It was ironic if anything.

Hawks stayed near me all while we flew. It gave me a nice sense of security, knowing he was looking out for me in case something went wrong. It was nice, spending time together up in the air like this, I was really enjoying it.

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