102 || Friendly Fire

652 24 2

Third Person P.O.V.

"She wants to attack UA." Mr. Compress stopped at the bottom of the stairs as he spoke out to the living room populated with his villainous comrades.

"What? No." Shigaraki turned it down. "There's a reason we haven't done that yet. We don't have the power."

"Let me rephrase..." Mr. Compress cleared his throat. "She's hell-bent on attacking that school. I'm not about to let her go on a suicide mission alone."

"Well then talk her out of it." Toga suggested.

Mr. Compress moved from his spot at the base of the staircase and walked over to the small table in the room. He sat down in one of the chairs, joining Twice who was already sitting there. He took his hat off and placed it in front of him. "Rarely have I seen Puppet dead set on something, she won't be talked out of this."

"So you're on her side with this?" Shigaraki asked.

"I never said that, but as I did say, I won't let her go alone." He responded.

"Then I'll talk her out of it." Dabi said, standing up from the couch. "If she won't listen to your outstanding reasoning, then I'll convince her a different way."

Mr. Compress scowled at Dabi's snarky comment, but said nothing.

"Don't burn the building down." Kurogiri instructed blandly.

"Yeah, yeah." Dabi brushed off the misty man as he walked to the stairs.

"Good luck!" Toga called after him, jumping onto what was the vacant couch and taking up the entire piece of furniture by laying across it.

Mr. Compress could only sigh as he watched Dabi ascend up the stairs, knowing whatever the blue flame villain did, it would go poorly.


"Leave." Puppet snarled as she heard footsteps pause in the doorway of her room.

"Gee, what a warm welcome." Dabi remarked, taking a step into the room.

She turned towards the burnt man and scowled, "I said, leave."

Dabi dodged her order. "The boss doesn't like what you're doing."

"I didn't expect him too." Puppet shot back. "Now why are you here? Just to bug me?"

"Nah, just to tell you to give it up."

"Make me."

Dabi's hand ignited in blue flames. "Ya'know, that was the plan."


Not even two minutes later Dabi came tumbling backwards down the stairs and into the common area. When he landed on his back with a hard thud, he groaned in annoyance and pain.

At the top of the stairs stood Puppet, her face an angry expression and her fiery eyes fixed on Dabi.

None of the other villains in the room moved to help Dabi, they didn't even flinch. He had gotten himself into this mess and he was going to suffer for it. All the reaction that was given was a disappointed sigh from Mr. Compress.

Toga hopped up from her place on the couch and skipped over to the table where Twice and Mr. Compress sat.

Toga swung her arms around Twice's neck in a friendly embrace. "Who do you think's gonna win?"

"Well it's hard to say, Puppet's in a hard position here." Mr. Compress replied.

"Why?" Toga asked.

"Dabi has no problem hurting Puppet to get her to listen. Puppet on the other hand can't hurt Dabi too badly, otherwise she looses a powerful ally."

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