37 || Puppets Sacrifice

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Puppets P.O.V.

"Hawks, listen to me." I said sternly.

He looked down at me.

"Get the League out. Compress will try to get to me, hold him back." I instructed. I reached my right hand behind my neck and unclasped the chain of the tear necklace Compress gave to me.

"And give this to him." I pulled the necklace from around my neck and gently put it into the left pocket of his coat.

He looked at me, panic and worry evident in his facial expression, "What? Puppet what are you doing?!"

"Just do what I told you, Hawks." I abruptly pushed his chest, forcing myself away from him and out of his arms, now I was falling through the air towards the rubble below. Hawks reached out to me as I fell but I gave him a determined glare and he backed off. Hawks quickly flew in the direction of where he had last seen a couple members of the League and I turned to face the ground which was quickly coming to me.

I used my strings and grappled to a nearby destroyed building and looked out to see how many heroes were around that area. There were dozens of heroes, it seemed as if there was no end to how many were coming in the League's direction. 'So this is how many heroes came to try and catch us.'

'I have to put myself between them and the League, I can't let the heroes get to them.' I took a deep breath. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the small tracking device Kurogiri gave me a little over a week ago. I flicked the almost microscopic switch on the device, turning it on. I placed it in my mouth and swallowed it. 'I have more than enough souls, I just have to make sure I don't pass out from overuse.' I stepped out of the building and into the line of sight of the heroes.

Hawks' P.O.V.

Some of the League members came into my view. Toga was injured and being carried by Twice. Mr. Compress ran up to them and used his quirk to compress Toga into a small blue orb. Dabi was burning a few things to ash, I couldn't tell if they were people or not. Shigaraki put his hand on a wall, decaying it and waving the other members forward.

"Time to go!" I yelled down at them flying over their heads. Twice, Dabi and Shigaraki started to run away from the oncoming heroes.

"Wait where's Puppet?!" Mr. Compress frantically called up at me.

"She's buying us time! Now we need to go!" I yelled pointing to where I last saw both Puppet and the heroes.

Mr. Compress started to run in Puppet's direction. I quickly swooped down behind him and hooked my arms under his own, stopping him from running. I flew up into the air with him locked in my arms.

"LET GO!" He roared. When I didn't let go he started to struggle in my grip, his legs kicking through the air. He started to flail his arms around trying to use his quirk on me, unluckily for him, he couldn't reach me.

"Sorry, Compress." I apologized, "Puppet specifically asked me to keep you from her."

"PUPPET!" He called out hoarsely in her general direction and helplessly thrashing to try and free himself.

Puppets P.O.V.

I flinched when I heard Compress' voice desperately calling out to me. I didn't turn around, I kept facing the heroes who had stopped as soon as they saw me.

"Puppet Master." Endeavor growled.

"Come quietly an' we won't hafta' hurt cha'" The hero Fat Gum said to me. I completely ignored him.

"To get to the League, you have to get past me." I said as I let a dozen souls swirl to life around me.

'Attack and don't let them pass.'

A/N: Pop the cork, this book just hit 10k!! Thank you guys so much!

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