103 || A Dead Man's Secret

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Third Person P.O.V.

"So, you want to walk in to UA then go after a few of the students?" Toga questioned after hearing Puppet's plan.

The group of seven villains had gathered around a table in the base to discuss preparations for attacking UA.

"That's my part," Puppet replied, "You all should do what you want too."

Blush grew on the younger's face. She smiled. "Then I'll find the students I love too."

"If we're breaking in," Shigaraki started, "we'll need to deal with the teachers— all those pros."

"Hold on," Kurogiri spoke up.

All heads turned to him.

"Before we get too deep into planning, I have vital information to give." The misty villain told.

"Say it then," Dabi said lazily.

"Hawks never killed Best Jeanist. It was a trick he pulled when he was still a hero working for the Hero Public Safety Commission."

"Dabi.." Shigaraki looked to the villain in question. "I thought you checked."

"I did." Dabi shrugged. "His heart wasn't beating."

"And you—" Shigaraki now turned to Kurogiri, "exactly how long did you know this and not say anything to anyone?"

"The day before we infiltrated UA the first time." Kurogiri answered. "Hawks told me and requested to keep it between us two unless something happened to him."

Shigaraki cursed under his breath. He turned to Puppet. "So you didn't know?"

"Hell no." Puppet said, " If I did I would have tracked Jeanist down and killed him."

"Alright then," Mr. Compress pulled the attention to him, "We'll have to take that into account. Heroes other than the teachers will show up if we are to attack the school."

"Then we deal with them." Dabi shrugged. "Not every hero will be able to show up, anyway. And even if some top heroes come around, the rabbit and Endeavor won't be at full strength, right?"

He looked to Puppet and she nodded.

"We should start from the perimeter of the campus and move in. It's no use if we draw every one of the heroes to us in a group. We need to separate them." Shigaraki said.

"So we'd be splitting up?" Twice questioned.


"Hey wait," Toga jumped in. "If we're gonna do this I need new gear."

"I wouldn't mind getting a few things myself," Puppet added.

"We do have money to spare." Mr. Compress reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "Since I'm the one who knows our finances, I'll take care of that."

He stepped away from the table and walked off to another room.

"We'll move when we get the new gear, until then we lay low." Shigaraki looked to Puppet, "really low."

Puppet rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Fine."

A/N: Apologies that this chapter was a bit brief and took forever. I somehow had writers block through the whole thing.
Also, there will be a bit of a time skip in the story between this chapter and the next.

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