93 || Fall

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Puppets P.O.V.

I had my back to Hawks as I faced Endeavor in a defensive stance. Had I gotten here any later Hawks would have been scorched.

I backed up a few steps and crouched down next to Hawks. I gently placed my hand on his shoulder.

"You still with me?" I asked, not taking my eyes off Endeavor.

"Heh, yeah." He coughed, "I'm not dead yet."

Hawks shrugged my hand off him and pushed himself up to stand.

"Careful." I said as I saw his legs shift unsteadily.

"I would say I'm fine, but uh... you'd dispute that." He muttered.

That was true, he clearly was not fine. If he did say he was, I would argue against it.

Interrupting our conversation, Endeavor wound his arm back, flames forming into a spear in his grasp. He threw it right at me with no hesitation.

I dodged to the side and the flaming spear missed me by a long shot.

The problem with the attack was that Endeavor repeated it over and over, throwing more and more spears at me. He was forcing me to dodge every which way erratically, dodging as many spears as I could.

I didn't see that as I landed on the ground after avoiding another attack, out of my vision, a fire spear was rocketing towards me.

Hawks suddenly rushed in front of me, purposefully putting himself in between me and the fire spear. His arms wrapped around me in a protective manner, covering me completely as he put his back to the oncoming threat.

The flames of the spear deformed into regular flames just before they reached Hawks. Still, he took a whole blast of high-powered flames to his back and yelled out in pain.

His weight fell against me and I ended up having to support him as he just froze, breathing heavily and clearly exhausted. I also knew he had to be in a lot of pain, that blast must've burnt away whatever was left of his wings.

"Stop fighting... run." He urged. "Please."

"And leave you here?" I asked rhetorically. "Not a chance."

Hawks regained himself and glanced over his shoulder back at Endeavor, who had fired up flames at his back and started to rush towards us.

Hawks shoved me to the ground, albeit not with much force, but likely as much as he could muster.

I quickly turned to back to him, but saw nothing but his shirt getting grabbed ahold of by Endeavor and the flame hero rocketing the both of them up into the air.

Third Person P.O.V.

Before Puppet could even get up and get her footing on the ground, she had to dodge away from a smaller green flame that was thrown at her. She turned to see the famous sidekick of the Endeavor agency. Burnin.

'Dammit..' Puppet cursed to herself before getting into a defensive stance and yelling at Burnin. "Bring it on!"


Endeavor was dragging Hawks up and up, higher and higher into the sky. They even got higher than a nearby news helicopter that was undoubtedly filming a reporting on the scene of the battle.

Hawks could even see in the distance that a two other helicopters were coming towards the area. They looked like army helicopters, equipped with missile launchers and likely other weaponry.

Focusing back on Endeavor and the situation, Hawks had to do something before they got too high. He pulled a small feather from his pocket. It was one of his smallest feathers (not to mention probably his last), but regardless of the size, it would be enough. He quickly shaped the feather so it was a blade and stabbed it into Endeavors side.

In response to the pain, Endeavor dropped Hawks and the once winged man started to free fall. With no wings on his back, he couldn't fly and had no way to slow his fall.

Endeavor quickly regained himself and mentally negated the pain in his side. Almost instantly, he turned mid-air and started to dive after Hawks to catch him.

But Endeavor was moving slower than Hawks was falling. They were high up, and if Hawks wasn't caught or his decent wasn't slowed, the outcome of the situation wouldn't be good.

"PUPPET!!" Hawks screamed out.


Puppet turned towards the scream of her name as soon as she was able to get far enough away from Burnin. What she saw made her freeze. Hawks, plummeting down to earth while Endeavor tried to catch him.

She immediately started to run to where Hawks was falling, summoning several souls to fight nearby heroes and buy her as much time as possible.

But she was too slow. Hawks slammed into the ground, the impact making a crater in the hard earth. His figure laid there, unmoving.

Puppet skidded to her knees beside Hawks as soon as she got to him. She propped him up into her arms. "Hey! Talk to me!"

But he stayed silent and still in her arms.

Her souls surrounded the two, making a perimeter that the heroes would have to break through in order to get to them.

"Hawks!" Puppet shook him vigorously but still got no response.

She stopped and placed her ear against his chest, waiting, listening as best she could.

'Please. Please.'

As moments passed, the souls Puppet put out to stall for time were being destroyed, all while she sat there, listening with nothing to show for it.

Another few moments passed with Puppet hearing nothing.

'No.. no please...'

After a final few seconds, Puppets hope faded. Her eyes watered as the realization came down on her.

He was gone.

Hawks was dead.

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