113 || Silence

317 17 4

Third Person P.O.V.

Shinso screamed as Puppet shoved him to the forest floor and pinned him down by sitting on his stomach. She let the terrified teen thrash, kick, and scream his heart out, having him wear himself down.

Once Shinso tired himself out and was easier to control, Puppet pushed him down to lay flat on his back. With his hands still tied behind him, Shinso was powerless to stop her.

She pulled her sewing needle from her sleeve and held the it in front of his face so he could see it. He immediately stilled and fell silent, his blood running cold. She was really going to do it, she was really going to sew his mouth shut. She wasn't going to give him any painkillers or sedatives or anything to make the process easier on him.

"Now I'm going to let you scream as much as you want." Puppet said, "But know that the more you scream and open your mouth, the more pain you'll experience. So please..." She leaned down next to Shinso's ear and whispered to him, "..scream. Let your mentor hear you."

Puppet threaded her needle with one of her strings, tying the end of the string into a knot.

"Stop!" Shinso pleaded, "Please! Please!"

Ignoring Shinso's pleas and last attempt to get her to respond to him, Puppet reached out towards his face. He turned his head away, trying to postpone the inevitable as long as he could.

Puppet forced him to turn his head back with her hand. "You turn away while I'm working, that's on you." She said.

Puppet held his lips together, flattening them so she could line up her needle.

Shinso's breathing became heavy, his heart thudding in his chest. He was breathing through his nose, trying his best to breathe normally.

Puppets needle pierced through one side of his flesh and out the other. Shinso's scream of pain rang out over the forest.


As Puppet continued her work, the pain got to Shinso and his screams gradually turned into sobs, tears spilling from his eyes. It hurt, the louder his reactions were, the more he stretched his mouth and pulled on the strings that she continued to stitch into him, so it all went on repeat.

Shinso soon fainted from the pain and trauma, his body going limp. Puppet was disappointed that he was no longer conscious and screaming in pain, but she was able to finish the sutures, completing her work.

Then she got an idea to further perfect the masterpiece. She smiled a wide smile, her idea absolutely magnificent.

Eraser Heads P.O.V.

I had heard Shinso's screams and cries of agony. I knew Puppet would offer him no mercy, but this sounded like it was just torture.

I wasn't able to get to him because of Puppets souls, they kept blocking my way and pushing me back.

After not too long, Shinso's screams died out. That meant one of a few things; Either Puppet finished her stitches, Shinso was unconscious, or he was dead. Any of them were plausible.

A few minutes later, Puppets souls stopped fighting back. It was strange.

They had started to surround me and herd me into a specific direction. They wouldn't attack me unless I tried to leave the perimeter they had created, and so I was forced along.

The souls one by one began to lag behind and fall away from the group, until I was left walking alone.

As I kept walking, I came into a small clearing in the trees.

And there, in between two trees, hanging suspended by strings around his arms, was Shinso.

A single string around his neck kept his head elevated so I could see Puppets handiwork.

His lips were swollen and sewn together by black strings, blood dripping from the punctures. Tear-streaks stained all the way down his face, from his eyes down to his chin. One of the most horrific things were the two crimson red dots painted onto his cheeks like he was a doll- no, a puppet. The tears were his own and the rosy cheeks were painted using blood- his own, no doubt.

My stomach churned, this was horrendous. Puppet had mimicked the look of her own mask onto his face.

I reached out and placed two fingers on the pulse point on Shinso's neck. To my relief his pulse was normal.

"Do you like my masterpiece?" Puppets voice asked from behind me.

I immediately whipped around and without thinking threw an end of my scarf at her. It wrapped around her shoulders, and I pulled her roughly to me.

I grabbed her by her arms and held her in front of me, activating my quirk and erasing her powers on instinct.

"Mad are we~?" Puppet asked tauntingly.

Furious — I was beyond words. Shinso was still alive but hurt immensely by her, his mouth sewn shut.

My grip on her tightened to the point where it actually hurt the muscles in my forearms.

"You know that could've been your eyes." She seemed unfazed by my harsh grip.

"I'd rather it be my eyes then his mouth." I growled.

"It is reversible, just painful." She said.

"You had no reason to put him through that." I snarled.

"Well it hurt you, didn't it?" Puppet asked teasingly.

She was right, by hurting Shinso she was getting a reaction out of me. Shinso was probably the student at UA I was closest to and she had used that to her advantage seeing as it was something that would get under my skin.

'I need to keep my emotions in check.' I thought, carefully loosening my hold.

She calmly pulled away from my grip and walked over to Shinso. Why I didn't stop her, I had no idea.

Puppet went behind him and cut the string holding his head up, his head bobbing limp with no support. She lifted his head back up and started to rub his temples in circular motions. It was like she was trying to soothe any pain he might be feeling. She was trying to wake him up. "Come on, up now."

Shinso started to stir, his eyelids starting to flutter.

"There we go... wake up." Puppet encouraged him.

Shinso stopped moving, and she just looked disappointed. She flicked the back of his head. "I know you can hear me. Open your eyes you nitwit."

When his eyes didn't open I walked over and crouched down so that I would be in Shinso's line of sight. "Shinso, open your eyes. Look at me." I instructed, hoping that by hearing my voice, he would listen.

He slowly opened his eyes, looking at me. His eyes seemed almost lifeless. He didn't just look tired like normal, but there was a lifeless look added to his facial expression.

"Can you hear and see okay?" I asked him.

He nodded, but winced, stilling himself. He let his head hang low.

"You worry about him so much that you forget I'm even here. You turned your back to me and let your guard down Eraser, bad move." Puppets cold voice said right behind me.

I turned on her, but not before she elbowed me hard in the head. She grabbed my head and slammed it down to the ground. I must've blacked out for a moment, because next thing I knew she had me completely pinned face-down to the ground. My hands were locked behind my back by one of her hands and she had a firm grip on my head with the other.

"I might've been docile for a moment, but that means nothing. I'm still a villain, and you should know to never trust me for an instant. I'll exploit every weakness you have." Her breath fanned across my ear as she whispered into it, "Every. Single. One."

'Not good-!'

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