Bonus Story 1 || Camp Attack

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A/N: This is a bonus story for the book, meaning that it really has no effect on the plot of the actual fanfic (in other words you can completely skip it). The bonus story is basically the training camp attack all the way to the fall of All for One in season three, it's also all LoV- no 'Deku wakes up in a hospital' or 'forming the Bakugo rescue squad'. The only real difference separating the story from the anime/manga is that it all has Puppets influence. The bonus story will be three chapters long.


—Right as the attack began—

Puppets P.O.V.

Everyone on the team was given a role; Dabi and Mustard were to corner the people in the woods. Magne and Spinner were to distract the Pussycats. Twice and Dabi were to distract the Teachers. Toga was to do whatever the heck she needed to do to get blood from students with the machine she was given. Moonfish was to kill any students he came across and to locate the target. Muscular was doing whatever the hell he wanted that had to do with killing. And Compress had arguably the most important part of the mission, kidnapping Katsuki Bakugo who was our main target.

I was given the role of distracting or even killing anyone I found. Simple Instructions; If they were a pro hero, distract them or kill them if possible. If they were a student it could go one of two ways: if they were on the priority kill list then kill them, if not then just make sure they wouldn't be a problem.

I was currently perched on a branch of a tall tree that towered over a path within the woods.

A few voices to the right further up the path caught my attention. I jumped over a few branches and looked at the ones the voices belonged to. There were four teenage boys walking along the path and talking while they also looked around, they were clearly on guard.

One of them had slightly green skin and looked like a humanoid version of a bug. His hair was green and shaped into a messy mohawk. Another one of the kids was pretty average, the only thing notable about him was his slightly tanned skin and his black hair that was pulled up into a short braid. The last two boys were pretty similar to each other, they both had slightly tan skin, one of them had slightly ruffled brown hair and the other had spiky brown-auburn hair.

None of them looked like the students on the priority kill list Shigaraki showed us, so I don't get to kill them. All I had to do was make sure that they wouldn't cause problems for the Vanguard Action Squad while we were here. They never did say I couldn't play with them a bit though.

I followed the group of teens for a few minutes by going from tree branch to tree branch then picked up a twig and snapped it with ease between my fingers.

Only one of the four reacted, the one with braided black hair, "Wait, I heard something."

"It was probably a squirrel or some shit. Now let's go." Snapped the bug kid.

"You heard Mandalay, there are villains here, we need to be alert." The kid with spiky auburn hair said.

"And I'm trying to get us back to where we're supposed to go." The bug retorted.

'This is entertaining in itself.' I thought as I watched the teens bicker, 'But I have a job to do.'

I jumped down rapidly towards the teen with the braided hair who was the closest to me. His head whipped around towards me and he activated his quirk.

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