35 || Interruption

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Third Person P.O.V.

All the rest of the League showed up, excluding only two people; Spinner and Giran. Giran was told that he had no need to attend this meeting, but he could come if he wanted to. Though Spinner on the other hand... he was commanded to show up.

"Where's Spinner?" Shigaraki asked dryly.

"He said he had an emergency come up and so he excused himself from attending." Kurogiri answered.

Mr. Compress and Puppet walked down the stairs and into the bar, joining the rest of the group. Hawks saw them walk down so he walked over and stood a bit closer to Puppet.

"Fine, we'll get started without him then." Shigaraki spat, referring back to Spinner.

"Everyone may we have your attention." Kurogiri said loudly stopping all side conversations between the others in the room.

"Yes you may, misty man!" Toga said cheerfully.

Shigaraki sighed, "Thanks to information gathered we've found multiple organizations responsible for dealing with and helping Overhaul and his yakuza group."

"Okay? You got a point?" Dabi asked from his normal shadowed corner of the room.

"Yes I do, now shut up and listen." Shigaraki snapped back. "We can get information and materials from them. Then we might finally be able to replicate the quirk canceling bullets."

"But what happens if they don't cooperate?" Magne asked.

"We plan to cross that path when we get th-"A thin red line suddenly pierced through Kurogiri's abdomen and he was instantly knocked out. He fell to the floor with a loud thud.

"Kurogiri?!" Toga asked loudly.

The line that hit Kurogiri reformed into Edgeshot. All the League members immediately became alert at the presence of the unwelcome number 4 hero.

"Heroes?! How'd they get here?" Both of Twices personalities sounded panicked.

Puppet quickly ejected three throwing knives from her right sleeve into her hand and threw them, aim directed at Edgeshot. Of course he dodged, and Puppets throwing knives landed in the wall.

The west wall of the bar was blown in, the bricks crumbling down. In stepped Endeavor and Manual, followed closely behind by Kamui Woods.

Kamui Woods shot out branches from his arms and used lacquered chain prison on all the villains, restraining all of them but Kurogiri, who was still on the floor.

A lot of the villains got a jolt of déjà vu. It felt just like Kamino; They were in a bar, Kurogiri had been taken out by Edgeshot, everyone was restrained by Kamui Woods' branches and they seemingly had no way out.

Hawks almost used his feathers but was stopped.

"Use your quirk and I'll burn your wings right off your back." Endeavor growled his threat to the winged hero- or rather villain and traitor. Hawks' eyes widened hearing those words from the person he looked up to.

Dabi started to use his quirk to try and burn through Kamui Woods' branches. Manual quickly extinguished Dabi's firepower by dowsing him in water.

"COMPRESS!" Shigaraki suddenly yelled his name in a somewhat commanding tone.

Mr. Compress threw out a marble into the middle of the room and snapped his fingers.

The marble decompressed, triggering a rather large explosion. The force from the explosion blew everyone back, villains and hero's alike. The floor gave out and both Toga and Twice fell through. Everyone else was blown in different directions, freeing the villains from Kamui Woods' branches and separating everyone from each other.

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