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So this book just hit 100k views. I'm nearly speechless.
All I can say is thank you.

Now if you don't wanna read my big "thank you" speech, I'm not offended. Just go ahead and wait for the next update, unless there is already a next chapter out then go to that.

When I originally started this book a little less than a year ago, I never expected it to get this far- hell, I didn't even have a storyline when I wrote the first 10 chapters.  So to see my book get this far is astonishing. This whole book started with me throwing on a mask of Puppet I made by hand and saying the line "That's not for you to know, pretty boy." which is a line in the book (chapter 12 || "Fancy meeting you here.").
Now I know there are some readers still here and have been since pretty early in the book (feel free to boast about it if you're one of them), and I am extremely happy and grateful for that. Also know that all throughout the book I read all the comments, no matter what chapter and they are all so supportive and make me smile.
So again, thank you all.

Now I need to get back to doing what I do best. Writing.

Thanks for 100k!!

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