77 || Secrets

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Puppets P.O.V.

When Compress and I got downstairs Shigaraki had calmed down and was drinking a bottle of beer on the couch. Hawks and Dabi were down here too having a conversation.

I headed away from Compress and over to Hawks and Dabi, wanting to talk to Hawks, but I was also interested in their conversation. Dabi had been the one to recruit Hawks and I had never really seen them interact, so now I was intrigued.

"Hey, Puppet." Hawks momentarily stopped the conversation between him and Dabi to greet me. "How'd you sleep?"

I walked up next to him. "Really well, thanks."

He gave me a subtle thumbs up.

I turned to Dabi, "What're you two talking about?"

"None of your business." Dabi stated plainly and rudely.

I narrowed my eyes at the burnt man.

"He'll be back." I said as I grabbed Dabi around the arm with my strings. I essentially dragged him with me away from Hawks and towards the door outside.

After we were outside I closed the door and brought him around a corner while he rolled his eyes.

Once I stopped dragging him I spun around to face him. "What is it with you and Hawks?!" I questioned him aggressively, "You act even more disrespectful when you're around him. Why is that?"

He lazy pulled my strings off his arm. "I just know more about him than you do." He answered me plainly.

"Like what?"

"His real name, his lineage. You name it, I probably know it. He also looks up to that sad excuse for a number one hero."

'Endeavor.' I had to agree with him on that, he was really a sad replacement for All Might.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Then what's his name?"

"Keigo Takami. He doesn't go by it anymore, it was taken away when he was put into hero training."

Well that was interesting. I hadn't heard anything regarding Hawks' real name. Dragging Dabi out here was turning out to be well worth it.

"I'm going to go see if you're right." I said and turned to leave.


I decided to go and wait for Hawks to go back to the bedroom that he and Twice shared as roommates. Both Twice and Toga were out doing things on Shigaraki's order so I wasn't worried that Twice would come back.

When I went into the room I noticed it was quite neat. Two beds were against the two opposite walls on the right and left of the door. Under the beds were a few containers that held personal belongings. By the side of each of the beds were small nightstands.

I waited a few feet away from the doorway, at the foot of one of the beds.

After a minute or so I heard someone coming down the hall. They were approaching this room, so they could only be one person.

"Keigo Takami." I said clearly as Hawks walked through the door.

He immediately froze in his tracks. He looked over at me, a surprised expression on his face.

"That is your name isn't it? Keigo T-mmph!?" He quickly flew over to me at lightning speed and covered my mouth with his hand, preventing me from saying his full name again.

He pulled his hand away and stepped back, giving me my personal space.

I wiped my mouth with my sleeve, I had no idea where his gloves had been. "What was that for?" I asked.

"How do you know that name?" He asked me with a serious look, completely dodging my question.

"Is it your name?" I shot back my question from earlier.

Hawks sighed, "Yes it's my name, now how do you know it?"

"I have my ways of finding information." I replied. I didn't want to bring Dabi into this.

"Okay well don't tell." He said looking me right in the eyes. He was serious about this.

"I won't." I promised. Promises weren't something I normally did, a lot of promises relied on trust which I was not fond of.

"Thanks." He seemed relieved.

"On a much more lighthearted note; what'cha doing tomorrow?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Right. I'm going to have the pleasure of intercepting Eraser and his class while they head out to a school trip. I got info on it from the UA traitor." I answered.

"Who is the traitor anyway?" He inquired.

"Kurogiri has refused to disclose that information." I sighed. Knowing who the traitor is could be helpful if push comes to shove.

"Hey, Puppet. Since your doing that, can you do me a favor?" He asked.

"What is it?" I asked back.

"Can you pick up Tsukuyomi for me? I just wanna talk to him."

"Who now?" I questioned, genuinely confused on who he was talking about.

"Fumikage Tokoyami, he's a student in class 1-A, one that came to my agency for an internship as well as a work study." He started motioning with his hands as he described the kid, "He has head that looks like a raven, very dark kid."

"Sure, I'll take him for you. But you'll need to get one of the temporary quirk erasing bullets, and a sedative." I accepted his request listing off my few conditions.

Hawks shrugged at me, "That shouldn't be too hard."

"Well you need to deal with Kurogiri." I pointed out.

"True, but he's reasonable."

"You plan to follow me tomorrow?" I asked.

"Nah, call me when you got him, I'll be there quickly." He replied. Well he was fast, I suppose that would work.

"Okay. I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I started to walk away.

"Yup. I'll see you later."

Hawks' P.O.V.

Puppet left, leaving me with my thoughts.

'Well that conversation was... unexpected.'

She knew my real name. As far as I knew only the higher-ups in the hero safety commission knew my name. So how did Puppet get it?

I shrugged. I trusted her not to share it, she did keep her own name secret for so long after all.

'Well, time to go talk to Kurogiri. Hopefully I'll end up seeing Tsukuyomi tomorrow.' I thought as I also left the room, looking to find the misty gentleman.

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