26 || Hospital

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Eraser Head's P.O.V.







The slow beeps of a heart monitor were the first thing I heard as I drifted awake.

I groaned, my entire body ached with pain.

I opened my eyes and looked around, I was laying on a bed in a hospital room and it was a very plain one at that. Very white. There was a window in the room, the bed was right next to it so I could see out. I was on one of the higher floors of the hospital. It was day.

'How long was I out?' I questioned.

"Good morning." A male voice said from somewhere near me. My head instantly turned and my gaze snapped to the second person in the room other than myself.

The man wore a white doctor's coat and had a stethoscope draped around his neck. He had shaggy light brown hair which was a slightly lighter color than his coffee-colored eyes and he had slightly tanned skin. In his hand was a brown clipboard with some paper on it along with a cheap blue pen.

"You were out for around nine hours." He said.

'Nine hours?' Half of me was surprised it was only nine hours with the injuries I sustained. The other half was surprised I was allowed to sleep that long, usually the world would decide to wake me up with some third party influence shit.

I used my arms to push myself up into a sitting position. My head instantly started to throb.

"You took a blow to the head." The doctor said.

I reached my hand up and felt around my head,  there was a bandage wrapped around it.

My mind flashed to the two kids that pulled me from the blaze that was the theater on fire. "What happened to those two kids?" I asked hoping he knew who I was talking about.

"The two kids who you saved? They both came here, one got stitches then they were sent home." He answered.

'So they got out... good.'

"They both send their regards and wish you a speedy recovery." He added, "And they... also said they were sorry you couldn't save all three of them."

'If only I had gotten there a minute earlier, the kid might still be alive now.' I scolded myself.

"Aizawa!" I was pulled from my thoughts when Mic came running into the room practically pushing over the doctor who was standing near the door.

"Mic, be quiet. This is a hospital." I heard Midnight's feminine voice say. She walked through the door seconds after Mic. Both of them were in their hero costumes, meaning they probably just came from UA.

"Are you okay?!" Mic ran up and pulled me into a tight hug. It was comforting... but also too constricting.

"Too tight.." I croaked out.

"Sorry!" He immediately let go of me and took a step back, "But... are you okay?"

My whole body hurt but I didn't want them to worry so I answered with a partial lie, "I'm fine."

"I'll leave you three." The doctor said, then he stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him.

"When were you planning on telling us that you were going after Puppet Master?" Midnight asked me. She wasn't wasting any time.

"I didn't." I said back, "You would have tried to stop me. If anything I would have told you when she was in Tartarus."

"She could've killed you!" Midnight raised her voice.

"I would've had her if she didn't have damn backup." I muttered to myself.

They both just looked disappointed and worried.

"I just don't wanna lose you too." Mic admitted at a lower volume.

The room fell silent, we all knew who we've lost in the past.

I suddenly felt a pang of guilt. I had only been thinking about one thing; getting Puppet Master into custody. I hadn't been worrying about those around me who could also be affected by my actions.

"Look." Midnight broke the silence, "The mission was self-assigned right?" She asked.

I nodded.

She continued, "Then there's no harm in quitting. Come back to your class, they've missed you."

I thought about it for a moment. I missed Eri, her smile would always brighten up my day, and though I would never openly admit it to them, I also missed my students.

I sighed, "You're right. I'll come back."

"Alright! Let's get that doc in here and get you discharged!" Mic cheered.

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