33 || Recruitment

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-11 Days Later at UA-

Eraser Head's P.O.V.

I was sitting at my desk in the front of the classroom doing a bit of paperwork. The students were currently doing independent work at their desks. The room was quiet but it didn't last too long because the speaker in the room turned on.

"Mr. Aizawa, can you please report to my office?" Nezu's voice asked through the speaker.

"Sure." I said loud enough for the speaker to pick up.

The speaker cut off and went silent.

"Iida." I said gaining the class reps attention, he looked up at me. "You're in charge until I or another teacher comes back."

Iida nodded and I stood up from my chair, left the room, and headed over to Nezu's office.


I approached Nezu's office. The door was closed and so I knocked on it a couple times.

"Come in, Aizawa." Nezu's voice was slightly muffled through the door.

I grabbed the doorknob and turned it, pushing the door open inward and closing it behind me as I stepped into the room, "What do you need, Nezu?" I asked before I even looked at him.

"Good to see you're doing well, Aizawa." A second male voice spoke. I looked to the source of the voice, I was met with the face of Detective Tsukauchi.

"Tsukauchi?" I questioned. Why was he here?

"He has a few things he wants to talk to you about." Nezu said, I finally turned my head to look at him. He was sitting at his desk and as always, there was a small cup of tea in front of him.

Tsukauchi started to explain the situation, "Okay, the police force has gotten an inside tip on where the League of Villains' hideout is and when they will next meet as a group. We've granted the information giver court immunity and temporary name concealment that will last until this operation is finished."

"And you've come to ask for my help, am I correct?" I asked.

"Would you?" Tsukauchi asked bluntly.

I let out a heavy sigh. I had just recovered from my last villain encounter (Puppet and Dabi with the theater).

"This is all up to you, Aizawa. I will give you administrative leave if you want it." Nezu jumped in.

"What would I do in the operation?" I asked the detective.

"You would be there to incapacitate Puppet Master. You know her quirk, fight style, and battle tactics best. We wouldn't put you into the field unless we've located her specifically." He said, "Having you there would greatly increase our chances of being successful."

"How do you know it won't be a repeat of Kamino?" I questioned.

"Because All for One won't be a factor."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and scolded myself in advance, "Okay. I'll help."

Tsukauchi nodded, "All the recruited heroes will meet at the local police station at noon tomorrow- two hours before the planned meeting time of the League. Get some rest and I'll see you there." He turned and left the room, leaving just me and Nezu.

I sat down on the couch Nezu had in his office and held my head in my hands, resting my elbows on my knees.

I let out a heavy sigh, 'What am I doing...'

"I'm sure you'll succeed." Nezu said jumping down from the chair of his desk and walking over to me. He hopped up next to me on the couch and sat down.

"And why do you think that?"

Nezu reached up and tapped my arm repeatedly in a comforting manner, "Because you're an excellent hero with an exceptional quirk." He answered. I felt somewhat reassured by his words, he was smart- it was literally his quirk, and if he said something about someone, he was almost always right.

I stood up, "I'm going to go sleep, then I'll head off tomorrow."

"You'll get administrative leave and I'm sure Mic would be happy to take your place for a while." Nezu said.

"Mhm." I responded then left his office to head to the dorms. Tomorrow was going to be chaotic, I was going to need as much sleep as possible.

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