66 || Evacuate

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Eraser Heads P.O.V.

"Mic!" I yelled in a commanding tone. I made sure to keep Puppets and Dabi's quirks erased so they wouldn't be able to fight or get out of this unscathed.

Mic used his quirk and yelled at the building's structure. The room around us started to crumble as the force from Mics yells shook the building's foundations.

Hawks' P.O.V.

Twice had gotten the measurements from Eri and Toga had sent her back to UA, leading her back for a bit before running back to us.

After Eri was gone, we all rushed through Kurogiri's warp gate and back to the base.
Once we got to the other side we were outside and in front of the hideout.

Magne was standing outside and Kurogiri was sitting on the ground next to her rubbing the back of his head with his hand. There were chains laying by Kurogiri's side. Dabi and Puppet weren't there.

"What the hell happened?" Shigaraki demanded, I could practically feel the anger radiating off him as he marched up to Kurogiri.

Kurogiri answered him, "Eraser Head and Present Mic managed to free themselves. I got to them but they restrained me, that was when I opened a warp gate to your location. Puppet was the one I saw before warping myself out here."

"I was told to stay here and keep watch while Dabi and Puppet went in. I also had to help get chains off him." Magne added, gesturing to Kurogiri.

"You're injured?" I asked Kurogiri.

"I was only knocked in the head, I'll be fine." He assured me.

"Stay out here, you're useless right now." Shigaraki commanded the warp villain, then he turned to face everyone else, "The rest of us are going in."

Magne ran up and used her magnet as a battering ram, busting the door off it's hinges. We all ran inside and I flew ahead of everyone, taking the lead.

I heard a loud yelling sound coming from ahead, the building even shook. That was Present Mic's quirk. The building was shaking so much that it seemed the building was going to crumble.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the wall crack. The building was going to crumble, but most of us were inside.

"This building's coming down, everyone out!" I yelled.

I turned around and deployed several feathers from my wings. I used my feathers to grab each of the group by their villain costumes and flew them as quickly as possible towards the exit of the building. I couldn't keep Magne up since she held onto her magnet while flying through the air. My feather ripped through her clothing and she dropped to the ground.

I flew the rest out with my feathers and quickly dedicated more of my feathers to Magne.

I suddenly heard a crumbling sound from above me. I glanced up, the ceiling had cracked under the shaking caused by the loud voice.

I looked towards the exit. The last thing I saw was Toga being flown out the exit by one of my feathers before the ceiling gave out and the building collapsed right on top of me. I got hit on the head by falling debris and blacked out.

(A/N: Don't mind me, I'm just dropping a building on Hawks' head *casually whistles*)

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