107 || Chaos

448 22 2

Third Person P.O.V.

"How far do we have left?" Puppet groaned.

Mr. Compress and Puppet had been running through pure woods for a few minutes straight and hadn't yet made it to the main campus grounds of UA.

"I don't know." Was his reply. "Not far I would hope."

A sudden boom split the air from a close distance away. The sound made the two running villains skid to a halt and look to the origin of the sound. They looked above the tree tops in the direction they were heading.

A large pillar of gray material towered in the air. It seemed to be moving. Combating it was a large blast of recognizable bright blue flames. It didn't make a dent in the material.

"What is that?" Puppet questioned.

"That looks like cement." Mr. Compress answered. "I'd imagine that Dabi's having trouble against that."

Puppet groaned, starting to run towards the fight. "Guess we gotta go save his ungrateful ass again."

Mr. Compress started to run with her. "Of course, the job falls to us."


Shigaraki jumped back to avoid a large slab of cement thrown at him by Cementoss. "Annoying." He hissed.

Dabi, Shigaraki and Cementoss had crossed paths and were now in the middle of a clearing having a fight.

Shigaraki turned to Dabi, who was standing next to him. "I can get to him, but you need to give me a distraction."

"Sure," Dabi responded. "Let's disintegrate this prick."

Shigaraki swiftly ran at Cementoss as Dabi released a flurry of flames, combating the solid cement that was thrown their way.

Cementoss saw their tactic and quickly began to retreat by moving the cement he was crouched on. "Oh no you don't!" He shouted as Shigaraki got close.

Shigaraki growled in frustration, watching as the hero rushed away using his quirk.

"Dabi, Shigaraki!" A woman's voice yelled sharply.

The two mentioned villains turned to the origin of the voice.

Puppet and Mr. Compress had broken through the tree line and into the clearing that the fight had taken place in.

"You two!" Mr. Compress called, "here!"

Dabi and Shigaraki bolted towards the other two villains to attempt to disappear into the trees.

Before they could make it all the way to the trees, several large shadows cast over the four villains' heads and they looked up. Above them were what seemed to be dozens of boulders hovering in mid-air.

Floating above the boulders was a brunette girl dressed in a black, white and pink hero costume. She pressed the pads of her fingers together.


Puppet's P.O.V.

The boulders started to fall from the sky, plummeting towards us fast.

"Get behind me!" I yelled.

They didn't really need to, as I had already leaped in front of them.

I lashed out with strings and sliced the boulders to mere slivers, launching them to the sides and impaling them into the ground as if they were large blades.

"Now!" Someone yelled. "Go, go, go!"

A beam of sparkling bright blue light shot out from a nearby bush and into the ground next to our group.

Before I knew it, the earth beneath us exploded. We were all thrown up in the air.

In a flurry of bright blue flames and flashes, my vision was obscured. I might as well have been blind.

In my blindness, I was suddenly hit in the stomach and I went flying back and gained some distance up in the air. Before I could get my bearings, my arms were grabbed and I was flung further away.

I landed hard on the earth with a loud thud. Clumps of dirt and grass were flung up from the impact as I skidded along the ground. I saw a blur of a dark purplish shadow fly past as I stood up, using my sleeve to wipe a small stream of blood from the corner of my mouth.

"So they are sending the students out to fight." I smiled as I looked at my new opponents, but that smile quickly faded, "How caring."

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