79 || A Teacher's Torment

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Eraser Head's P.O.V.

I drifted awake and instantly felt a crick in my neck. Before I opened my eyes I rolled my head around, cracking my neck and relieving the crick.

I steadily opened my eyes.

I looked around myself, I was hanging like a marionette from the branch of a tree by several black strings that were wrapped around my arms, legs, and torso. I had no contact with the ground and couldn't move well.

"Glad to see you're up, it's been a bit." I heard Puppet's voice speak to the right of me.

My vision snapped to the right. Puppet was leaning on a tree.

My thoughts immediately went to my class, "Where are my students?!" I demanded raising my voice.

"Relax, they're all alive." She responded in a completely casual tone.

"Where are they." I repeated, my voice now deadly serious.

"Probably running... and running and running while my souls chase them through these woods." She said ominously and pushed herself up off the tree. She started to circle around me, I felt her watching me from behind.

"You have me, let them go!" I yelled craning my neck over my shoulder to look at her.

"You're correct, I do have you. But I'm not the one keeping them here, they're doing that on their own." I followed her with my eyes as she came back in front of me and stopped circling.

I could feel my facial features contort to form a confused expression.

She sighed, "I'll let you see them then, just to ease your conscious."

'Let me see them... how?' I wondered. I knew she wouldn't let me go so how would I be able to see them?

She ejected a throwing knife into her left hand and she used it to deliberately slice a small cut into the palm of her right hand.

She walked up to me with her hand held out in front of her, "Open your mouth." She instructed.

Did she expect me to willingly drink her blood? What did she think I was? A vampire? There was no way in hell that would happen. I stayed silent and didn't give her an answer.

Her eyes narrowed, "Open. your. mouth." She repeated, now seeming to get frustrated with me. Well good, let her be frustrated with me.

When I kept my mouth closed and just glared at her she pushed my head back, grabbed my jaw, and forced my mouth open. She squeezed her clenched fist above my mouth and a small stream of her blood dripped onto my tongue. I coughed and sputtered at the irony taste of the thick liquid as it slid to the back of my tongue and down my throat. She kept my mouth open as she gave me her preferred amount of blood and forced me to ingest it.

After a few moments she let go of my jaw, allowing me to close my mouth and swallow. I coughed and gagged, trying to get the taste out of my mouth, "What the hell?" I coughed out.

She just watched me, she seemed expectant, like she was waiting for something.

My head suddenly started to pang with pain, I grit my teeth and clenched my eyes shut to try and cope with it. I leaned my head back and looked up, trying not to let Puppet see my suffering. The pain soon became overwhelming and I groaned in response.

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