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Puppets P.O.V.

*bzzt* *bzzt*      *bzzt* *bzzt*

My phone was vibrating in my back pocket, I took it out to see who was calling me, It was Kurogiri. I tapped the green phone symbol on my phone to answer the call.

"Yeah?" I asked into the phone.

"Shigaraki wants you back at the hideout." Kurogiri's deep voice answered.

'Of course he does', I thought to myself. "Does he have a reason?"

"We're expecting a new recruit and Shigaraki would like to have everyone back to talk."

"Dabi found someone? He didn't burn them to ash?" I questioned sarcastically.

"Correct, if you would like I could warp you back." He offered.

"I'm close enough to the hideout, I can get there quickly." I said, "When does he want everyone back by?"

"He did not mention a specific time, so I would suggest you get back quickly."

"Fine then, I'll be back shortly." I said then ended the call.

I put my phone back in my pocket and let out a light sigh, "It's too bad, I was quite enjoying my time up here." I whispered to myself as I felt my hair blowing with the cool night breeze.

I was currently perched on top of a tall building overlooking a good portion of the city. Since it was around 10:00 pm at night, most of the lights in the city were on, creating a nice view for anyone who was willing to see it.

I stood up from my crouched position and pulled the hood of my costume onto my head. I walked over to the edge of the building looking down into an alley below, I was still pretty far above the ground and could injure myself if I just jumped. I looked to my right and saw a pole sticking straight up and out of the cement of the building a few feet away. I walked over and black strings came out of my fingers, the strings wrapped themselves around the pole. I tugged at the strings in my hand to make sure they were secure, they were. I ran and jumped off the building's ledge and let the strings in my hand coil around my wrist. The ground came quickly towards me as I continued my quick descent down the side of the building. I felt resistance from my strings as the ground came closer, my fall was slowing and continued to slow to almost a complete stop as I touched down on the ground with a light 'tmp' sound. I slipped my wrist out of the loop the strings made for me to hold on to.

The alley was dark, quiet, and empty apart from a few full trash bags, along with several cigarette butts. 'Disgusting', was the first word that came to mind, but it was normal for backstreet alleys. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time, 10:11 pm. 'I'll get there by 10:20', I thought to myself as I put my phone back in my pocket. I then started to walk to the hideout for the League of Villains.


I kept to the alleyways as I was moving, I didn't want to draw any unwanted attention to myself since there were heroes out at night like Eraser Head and others.

I eventually came to a grey cement building with a worn fire exit looking door. I pushed open the door and stepped into the most recent hideout for the League of Villains.

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