4 || Rooftop Meeting

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Third Person P.O.V.

Hawks landed on the roof behind Puppet and started to walk towards her, not intending to let her know he was there until he was standing next to her.

"Why did you follow me up here?" Puppet asked out loud, not turning around to face the number 2 hero. She already knew the answer to her question though, he was up here because she was the only one who had not said anything during his recruitment meeting, not to mention no one knew her true identity. He was curious.

Hawks was caught off guard, how did she know he was even up here? He had made an almost silent landing onto the rooftop. "I was just curious if the masked lady could talk, turns out she can." He answered quickly.

"Yes, I am able to vibrate my vocal cords to produce human speech." Puppet said sarcastically.

Hawks walked up to Puppet and stood a safe distance away from her (about four feet) to her right. Hawks studied Puppet, her hood was down allowing her black and white hair to be pushed slightly through the breeze that came to the rooftop.

Hawks let one of his feathers slip away from his left wing and over to Puppet's left side. He knew it was dangerous to act as a threat towards her, but part of him was curious as to how she would react.

Puppet noticed what Hawks was doing. 'Is he really that stupid as to think it's a good idea to provoke me?' She questioned.

Puppet didn't even turn to look at her target. With a quick movement of her left arm, she threw a throwing knife straight into the feather, knocking it out of position and into the wall of the neighboring building, the blade pinning it down.

Hawks' P.O.V.

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. 'Perfect aim, she didn't even look at the feather', I thought, shocked by her skill level with throwing knives. I gulped and wiped my shocked expression from my face, 'That was scary accurate aim.'

"Know fully well that I do not trust you, Hawks." Venom laced Puppet Master's tone of voice as she lowered her arm from its throwing position and turned her head to face me.

She glared at me from behind her mask, her eyes felt like they were drilling into my soul. I felt hollow for a few seconds before I snapped back into reality.

"I don't expect you to." I replied, putting my hands up in a surrendering manner.

"Good, now I suggest you leave." The venom in her voice still lingered in her words.

'Okay then, she doesn't want me around.' I blinked, 'I guess I'll leave then.'

I opened my wings and took to the air, within a few moments I was far above the roof of the bar. I started to fly back towards my home, it was late and I had patrol tomorrow morning.

I got lost in my thoughts a few minutes after I started flying, I was thinking about my encounter with Puppet Master.

I mentally slapped myself, "That was stupid." I thought out loud, though the sound of my voice was carried away by the wind.

'I need to find out her identity, trying to sneak up on her with a feather wasn't a good idea if I'm trying to get her to trust me.'

Before I knew it I was on the front porch of my house. I laughed at myself, 'I really am too fast.'

'Whatever, I'll sleep on it.' I thought as I entered my home.

Puppets P.O.V.

I smiled to myself, 'I think I left a good first impression on him.' The face Hawks made after I threw my knife was priceless to say the least, the number two hero, shocked at my aim.

I walked over to the wall of the other building and pulled the throwing knife out of the brick, the feather was impaled and stuck to the knife. I plucked the red feather off my knife and let it drift down to the floor. I slid the small knife in my hand back up my left sleeve, letting it click back into the dispenser that went up my arm.

I decided to go back through the door I used to come up to the roof and to go through the bar to exit the building, rather than jumping off the roof.

When I came down the steps the bar was completely empty aside from Kurogiri and Shigaraki at the counter, but they did decide to live here for the time being.

Kurogiri looked at me with his slit-like yellow eyes, "I will inform you of our next meeting time over the phone."

"Okay, I'll be waiting." I replied.

I pulled my hood up and exited the bar.

It was late, I looked at my phone, 11:23. I've been here an hour, it felt much shorter than that.

I sighed and walked back to the small warehouse that had served as my own little base for the last couple of days. 'I need to go soul hunting tomorrow.' I thought, 'I only have eleven souls right now. I'll do it tomorrow morning.'

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