112 || Shinso

309 19 4

Third Person P.O.V.

Shinso slinked through the forest around UA surveying the land.

He had managed to slip away from All Might right before they got back to the main building. Instead, he opted to fight alongside the hero trainees that he reluctantly called his friends.

He had yet to find out what a mistake that had been.

It seemed he was moving through the quietest part of the woods. Other places were literally burning or crumbling.

Cracks and rustles in the canopy kept him on edge. Other that that it seemed too quiet.

Then there was a snap.

He whirled to where the sound was, and he froze.

Stepping out from the shadows with a smile, was Puppet Master.

"Hello, Hitoshi Shinso." She said simply, a grin growing wide on her face.

Shinso quickly recomposed himself and pulled his voice modulator over his mouth. We went to adjust it, but didn't get the chance.

Puppet rushed at him and outpaced his reflexes. She reached out and ripped the voice modulator from his face, chucking it away. She didn't know what it was, but it looked sophisticated, and therefore it posed a threat.

Shinso quickly shoved her back and jumped away. Having her in close-quarters with him was not ideal.

He threw two ends of the capture weapon up to the trees. The ends wrapped around two large branches. He pulled hard on the scarf, breaking the branches and sending them plummeting down at Puppets head.

Shinso dived to the ground in order to avoid being hit. He reflexively covered his head with one of his hands while his other hand had a grip on an end of his scarf.

There were two giant thuds.

"What is it with everyone trying to drop branches on me?" Puppet asked with an exasperated sigh.

When Shinso looked up, he saw Puppet standing only inches away from where the branches had landed. She looked at him with an annoyed expression with her arms stretched out to each side.

Shinso felt frozen to the ground. 'I missed..'

Puppet started to stride towards the teen, and he willed himself to move, but he was too slow. When he finally found his movement, she pounced.

She jumped onto him and forced him back down. She bracketed his hips from behind, holding him down. She placed her hand on the back of his head and pressed his face into the ground, not allowing him to speak.

He struggled under her. Puppet noticed he was pretty strong, especially considering he wasn't an official student of the hero course. Unfortunately for him, she overpowered him easily using her strings to restrain his arms.

"I know your quirk so don't try anything you'll regret." Puppet told. "You were trained solely by Eraser Head, so you'll prove to be quite useful to me."

Shinso was able to turn his head a bit to be able to speak. "How..?" He mumbled out.

To Shinso's disappointment, Puppet fell silent.

She took a throwing knife and cut through the capture weapon around his neck. She pulled the loose pieces of cloth from him and tossed them away just like she had the voice modulator.

"Now you're not so dangerous, no fancy support items to help you," Puppet jeered.

"Get off me!!" He yelled.

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