65 || Makeshift Lockpick

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—A few minutes earlier back at the LoV hideout—

Eraser Head's P.O.V.

I hadn't slept during the night, neither did Mic. We were too busy staying alert and worrying about what the villains were doing.

Most of the League was probably off attempting to infiltrate UA to go after Eri. Now would be our best chance to attempt an escape.

"We don't have a choice anymore. We need to get out." I said breaking the silence that had lingered in the room for what was at least a hour.

"Yeah, we can't wait any longer." He agreed.

I knew what he planned to do, "Be careful, someone will probably hear you." I warned.

He nodded, "Brace yourself."

I covered my ears the best I could with my shoulders.

Mic pursed his lips and concentrated his quirk towards the chains holding his right wrist to the arm of his chair. He upped both his pitch and volume until the chains broke under the strong frequency of the sound waves.

The door of the room suddenly burst open and in ran Kurogiri. At a moments notice I erased the warp villain's quirk. With his quirk gone he was practically defenseless.

Mic used his voice and yelled at Kurogiri. The villain was launched back into the wall of the room. He collapsed to the floor after hitting his head hard against the solid brick of the wall. He didn't move, just laid there, completely still.

After waiting and watching Kurogiri's still figure for a bit longer, I let my eyes relax and I blinked.

Mic continued to break the chains restraining him until they were all off and he stood up. He tugged his fingerless gloves and adjusted them as if he were some sort of doctor or surgeon putting on gloves.

Mic reached up and pulled a bobby-pin from his hair. It was a good thing that bobby-pins weren't normally magnetic, otherwise Magne would have found and most likely confiscated them.

Mic walked over and started to pick the locks on the chains that restrained me. It didn't take long before all the chains were off.

I stood up and the first thing I did was stretch, loosening up my body that was stiff from sitting in one position constantly.

"One of the oldest tricks in the book. It's a wonder they don't use different locks." Mic commented as he dropped his bobby-pin to the ground.

"Yeah." I agreed. I would've thought they would use better locks.

I looked over to Kurogiri. He hadn't moved from his original position of laying on the floor.

Mic went over and restrained the villain with the very chains we were locked up with. It was truly ironic.

Once Kurogiri's hands were restrained behind him, Mic sat him up against the wall so we could keep a closer eye on him.

I reached my hand up to the right side of my face. I felt over the scar and stitches. It was still painful and I could feel Puppets strings in my flesh. I sighed dropped my hand back to my side.

"You okay?" Mic asked as he walked back to me.

"It's fine, just hurts." I answered, "Not much I can do about it now though."

'No one had responded to Mic's voice besides Kurogiri, was he the only one here?' I wondered, but I wasn't curious enough to find out, "I'm not willing to test our luck, we need to leave, now." I said strongly.

A second figure ran through the open door of the room. The person was female and was wearing black clothing with white stripes, she also had long black and white gradient hair. Her colored porcelain mask was far from unidentifiable.

"Puppet.." I mumbled quietly to myself.

My vision flicked to where Kurogiri was as he opened a warp gate beneath him. Before I could erase his quirk, he fell through and disappeared. I cursed myself, he had never been unconscious, he was only pretending, how could we have been so gullible?!

Another person ran up next to Puppet, the blue flame villain himself, Dabi. I got a brief flashback to about a month and a half ago when these two teamed up on me back in the theater that is now nothing but a pile of burnt ruins.


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