105 || Fake

537 24 3

Third Person P.O.V.

It didn't take long for Eraser Head and Puppet to cross paths.

He had found her slinking through the woods. No words had been exchanged between them, instead, she immediately bolted. He took off after her, the two of them sprinting through the woods.

"No, not this quick! You weren't supposed to be here yet!" She yelled, glancing back over her shoulder at him.

"I guess I'm finally catching you off guard then."

He hadn't yet activated his quirk, and so, the two took to the trees. Her strings and his capture weapon served like vines in the canopy of the trees as they swung.

Eraser Head found himself exceeding Puppet's speed and closing the distance between them. When he got close enough, he threw an end of his scarf out at her.

His capture weapon wrapped around her strings as she attempted another swing. He pulled, disrupting her swing and making her jerk back. Using the opening, his eyes glowed red as he activated his quirk on her. He quickly threw another part of his scarf at Puppet, catching her around her arms and torso.

Tugging hard on the capture weapon, Eraser Head forced Puppet to swerve so her back was to him. With her restrained by both his quirk and his support item, he jumped over to her, tackling her from behind.

He sat on her back, using his weight to keep her pinned down. He kept a firm grip on her right wrist, her other arm pinned down by his knee.

"What is the Leagues plan?" Eraser Head demanded.

"Funny, you think I'd tell you?" She chuckled.

He bent her arm back, enough to make it hurt instead of just being uncomfortable. "I'll ask you again. What is the Leagues plan?"

With a grimace, she stayed silent.

"I will break your bones, don't test me." He growled.

"Then do it, coward." Puppet taunted.

The erasure hero didn't hesitate in obliging to her request. He snapped her right arm in an instant.

Puppet let out a grunt of pain at feeling her bone break.

"Pity, you've failed miserably, letting your group down in the process." He stated, dropping her broken arm to the ground. He took ahold of her other arm, preparing to break that one too if necessary, or maybe even just out of spite.

"Trying to hit me where it hurts huh?" Puppet asked plainly. "Too bad, I don't really care."

"Are you going to surrender? Or are you going to let me break all the rest of your bones?" He asked bluntly, pulling back on her arm to let her know he wasn't fooling around. "Be logical about this."

"I am being logical, and I don't like those choices. So, I've decided to go with a different option." Puppet said with a grin.

Eraser Head broke her other arm, "Breaking your bones it is then."

"I'll see you soon~" Her body melted into a grey substance and she literally slipped right through his fingers.

Eraser Heads stomach twisted, 'She was a double. Twice..'

A bullet suddenly whizzed past Eraser Heads head. Then another, though that one he had to dodge otherwise it would have hit him. It was one at a time and the shots were somewhat spaced out.


Puppet was firing a sniper rifle from a spot in a tall tree. Most of her body was hidden by the thick trunk of the tree. The barrel of the rifle was rested on her knee while she looked through the scope aiming right at the erasure hero.

She was upset that she had missed her initial shot, let alone her second. She had given herself away without gaining anything. Still, she kept firing.

Eraser Heads gaze shot up to the general origin of the bullets. He couldn't see anyone, but he knew they were there. Too bad that's not how his quirk worked, he needed to see the target.

Bullets fired from behind Eraser Head and up towards Puppet, getting dangerously close to her, but only hitting the trunk of the tree she was hiding behind.

Eraser Head whipped around. A few meters away, he saw another teacher from UA, Snipe, firing multiple shots up at Puppet. Snipe couldn't hit her because he didn't know her exact location.

"Move!" Snipe yelled. He threw a smoke bomb down to the ground and the air around them clouded over as cover. The smoke blocked Puppets vision, her shooting now would be like taking a shot in the dark.

Both the heroes turned and ran, but not before Puppet fired off one last shot through the smokescreen.

"Augh-!" Snipe yelled in pain as the bullet Puppet fired went straight through his right forearm.

They both kept running. Eraser Head ripped off a bit of his capture weapon and tossed it to Snipe. Snipe wrapped the strip of cloth around his forearm like a bandage to put pressure on the bullet wound and stop himself from losing blood.

"Damn." Puppet cursed under her breath. She stood up on the branch she was crouched on.

She started to jump across branches, chasing after the two heroes from above. This was her chance, she needed to get at least one of them out of the running.

Eraser Head's P.O.V.

"She's chasing!" I called to Snipe.

I knew Puppet better than I was willing to admit. She would chase if she thought she had the upper hand— which unfortunately, she did.

Beside me, Snipe lifted his uninjured arm and fired blindly over his shoulder up into the trees behind us.

"Missed." He grumbled before glancing at me. "Watch yourself."

Snipe reached into a pocket on his pants and pulled out a specialized grenade.

"What are you—!?" I began to yell.

"It'll stop her from chasing us." Was the curt reply. "Now we split up."

He swiveled and threw the grenade into the treetops with his good arm, firing his gun with his other hand. Using his quirk, the bullet curved toward the explosive.

When I turned and looked up into the branches, I caught a glimpse of Puppet. She was perched up on a branch, just standing there.

Unlike the double I had chased earlier, her true self looked like she had fought her way through hell. Parts of her outfit were singed, and I could see a crack in her mask.

She was looking directly at me. Her gaze was dark and cold, her expression unreadable as her eyes drilled into mine. It was unnerving. I had never seen her so... well, emotionless.

Right before Snipe's bullet pierced into and detonated the grenade, I watched Puppet's lips curl into a chilling, soulless smile.

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