8 || UA's Gates

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Present Mic's P.O.V.

'Why was I the one stuck outside waiting for tardy students?' I asked myself, 'I mean really, Snipe never does anything in the morning, he could be the one who has to stand out here.'

I was snapped from my thoughts as a very injured girl in a school uniform jumped out from a side alleyway and onto the street. I recognized her as one of the students from class 1-A that I taught, she was also one of the students that faced me in the final exams. It was Kyoka Jiro.

She looked awful, as if she were in a one-sided fight to the death. She had fresh blood dripping down her forehead, and a slit on her cheek that also drew blood. Her right leg was gashed up and I could see the white of bone breaking through a large chunk of flesh that was sliced halfway off, it was a miracle she could even stand. She was holding her left rib area with her hands as if she were about to fall apart. I was immediately concerned.

She limped towards me, clearly unsteady on her feet, she was a few feet away from me when I heard her feebly whisper, "Mr. Yamada..." She then collapsed.

I caught her before she could hit the ground, she was barely conscious, but she was breathing which was good. I picked her up bridal style and brought her to the gate, placing her down gently on the sidewalk trying not to injure her further.

I surveyed my surroundings looking for any villain that could have done this, no one was around in my felid of view. I took my phone out and dialed Shota's number.

"What?" Shota's tired voice answered.

"Get to the front gate right now."

"I'm teaching."

"You're sleeping, now get down here. Your student Kyoka Jiro just showed up barely conscious and covered in blood."

Aizawa ended the call, I assumed he was now on his way.

Puppets P.O.V.

I watched from the rooftops as Present Mic put his phone back in the pocket of his jacket. He then tried to tend to Kyoka Jiro, making sure she stayed awake.

"The students of class 1-A do not disappoint, Present Mic." I called down.

He whipped his head away from Kyoka and towards me, "Did you do this?!" He yelled, his voice was definitely louder than the average person.

"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to... But yes." I answered.

"Why?" It was more of a demand than a question.

"I wanted to play tag, I told her if she made it to the gates of UA, she would win."

"What would have happened if she didn't get here?"

"Things would have turned out much worse for her." I told him, "But she did win, so I intend to leave her be."

I looked down, since I was standing on the corner of a building, I could see two separate streets. There were news reporters, but more importantly, there were cameras that went straight to live screens.

"Why hurt a girl that did absolutely nothing to you? And to this extreme extent!" Present Mic continued to yell at me.

I scoffed at his stupid question, do heroes never learn? "She's not going to die, and I intentionally didn't kill her. I did it to show you heroes that there are always those who will challenge you, and that no one is truly safe."

The pro hero Eraser Head came running out of the school's gate behind Present Mic. He instantly saw Kyoka Jiro and was visually taken aback. He turned to follow Present Mics line of sight, when he saw me he stiffened and his shocked expression turned to pure rage. I couldn't help but smile.

Eraser Heads eyes started to glow red, his hair levitated above his shoulders and his grey scarf floated around his neck. He was pissed.

I let out a loud laugh, seeing him mad was just funny.

"HOW DARE YOU ATTACK A STUDENT!" Eraser Head roared, I had no idea he could yell that loud.

I stopped laughing, I went back to the smile that naturally appeared on my face in these situations. 'Well, that's my cue, time to go.' I thought as I turned and started to run on the rooftops away from the two pro heroes.


Eraser Head and I had some history. I had run into him so many times, each and every time I had escaped. Now I was starting to get under his skin. This was gonna be fun.

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