43 || Interrogation

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Puppets P.O.V.

Once the armored van stopped, the two guards sitting next to me stood up and unlocked the doors to the back. They both took a somewhat gentle but still firm hold on each of my arms and stood me up, walking me out of the van and onto solid ground.

I looked around, we were right at the gates of Tartarus. The two guards walked me through the gates and into the secure prison.

They walked me through what seemed to be countless different hallways and corridors until we finally stopped at a very plain looking white door. One of the guards opened it and they walked me inside.

The room was an interrogation room, that much was obvious. There was a single table in the room and on each side was a chair. On one side of the table, there was a small metal slab, just big enough for someone to place their hands on.

I was walked over to the side of the table with the metal slab and I sat down in the chair that was there.

"Put your hands up on the table." One of the guards instructed.

I rolled my eyes and just placed my hands on the surface of the table, right on top of the metal slab. I watched as one of the guards pressed a button on the rim of the table. The cuffs around my hands were instantly locked down onto the slab by some invisible force, probably magnetism. Even if it wasn't magnetic, the force was strong and I couldn't get my hands off the table.


After about five minutes, the door of the interrogation room opened. In walked a man with short, dark brown hair dressed in a light brown suit and pants with a black tie.

Following the man were a cat-headed officer and two heroes- very recognizable heroes at that. Eraser and Endeavor. Each one of them had individual badges hanging around their necks.

Eraser stood by the door and Endeavor went to the opposite side of the room of the door and leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. The man in the light brown suit sat in the chair at the table opposite of me.

"Just start asking her questions Tsukauchi." Endeavor said to the man.

'So his name is Tsukauchi, good to know for the future I guess.' I thought eyeing the man.

"Right." Tsukauchi said.

Tsukauchi placed a small recording device on the table and pressed the record button.

"My name is Naomasa Tsukauchi, I am a detective of the police force and will be asking you some questions." He stated, "This conversation is being recorded and I would encourage you to answer my questions both truthfully and in a timely matter."

"First things first, I will give you a choice to admit your identity before we remove your mask." Tsukauchi stated plainly.

'So they plan to take off my mask and reveal my identity...' I almost laughed, it wouldn't be that simple.

"Yeah, no." I responded.

"That's your choice, time to see who's behind that mask." Tsukauchi reached out and pulled my mask from my face.

Third Person P.O.V.

Everyone in the room looked at Puppet. No one could identify her on the spot.

Tsukauchi pulled out a phone-like device and took a picture of Puppet's face. The device automatically scrolled through the profiles of countless people, all the profiles in Japan.

'Unidentified' The screen read after about a minute of searching.

Tsukauchi's face turned into one of pure dissatisfaction and disappointment.

"What's wrong detective?" Puppet asked with a teasing ring to her tone and a smile on her face, "Are you having trouble finding who I am?"

"We will find your identity in due time, for now let's just start with questions." Tsukauchi responded.

He pulled out a notepad and pen holding them both at the ready.

"First question; What is the League of Villains planning?" Tsukauchi asked.

"You'll know eventually." Puppet answered.

"Fine. Next question; Where is the League."

"I don't know."

"Stop lying. You know exactly where they are and you'll tell us." Endeavor said roughly.

Tsukauchi turned to the current #1 hero, "Believe it or not she's telling the truth."

Tsukauchi turned back to Puppet, "Sansa, take her to a holding cell. The longer she's here the more willing she will be to give up information." He instructed the cat-headed officer.

The cat officer pressed the button on the side of the table and the restraints around Puppet's hands were released from the strong magnetic pull that held her to the table.

"Insufferable woman." Endeavor mumbled.

"Asshole." Puppet muttered her response under her breath. She felt the urge to flip him off, but of course, her hands were covered.

Puppet was walked out of the interrogation room by the officer and Eraser Head followed behind to escort her to a holding cell.


They took Puppet to a lower level of the prison and to a holding cell.

"I'll take her from here, I was asked to watch her until she decides to cooperate with the investigation." Eraser Head told the cat-headed officer.

The officer nodded and handed the pro hero a silver key. The officer then turned and walked off, leaving Puppet with Eraser Head.

Eraser Head used the badge around his neck as a key card, placing it on a sensor to open the door to the cell. The door opened into a watch room that connected to a holding cell by another door. Eraser Head walked Puppet through the first door then opened the second door, the one to the cell.

He erased Puppets quirk and took her forearms and held them up, using the silver key the officer gave him to unlock the cuffs around her hands, taking them off.

Eraser Head ushered her into the cell, closing and locking the door once she was inside and deactivating his quirk. There was a window separating the two from each other, though each of them could still hear each other's voices.

"Well this is a nice change of scenery." Puppet stated looking around.

"It's a prison cell." Eraser Head pointed out.

"I was being sarcastic."

Eraser Head let out a sigh through his nose, "You'll be here until you decide to cooperate, so get comfortable." He told her.

"Great." Puppet mumbled to herself.

Eraser Head walked over to a single, lonely rolling chair in the watch room and sat down in it. He wasn't overly thrilled to be the one watching her, even though it wouldn't be for too long.

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