78 || Eraser Head's Request

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—The next day—

Eraser Head's P.O.V.

"Ugh, I'm getting bored." Ashido whined.

"Yeah." Sero agreed with her, "Hey, Mr. Aizawa, how long 'till we get there?"

They were acting like they were half their age, asking the question 'Are we there yet?'.

"Ten more minutes, then we'll be there." I answered without turning to face him, I kept looking out the big windshield at the front of the bus.

I was currently taking the class on a day-long field trip to an off campus facility that was around a total of an hour away.

After I came back to the school after the eventful mission Mic and I went on, I had taken a half-week of leave before I started teaching the class again. Now it had been a week and a few days since the League had made any sort of move.

The bus abruptly started to slow down and came to a halt.

I turned to the man driving the bus, "What happened?" I asked.

"Probably something with the en..gine..?" He answered but seemed unsure as he looked at the panel of information for the bus behind the wheel.

"What?" I questioned.

"It says the engine is undetected."

I looked to the panel, sure enough there was a message blinking red that said 'Engine Undetected'. I was skeptical of the situation, my gut told me something had influenced this, and that it was intentional.

We were currently in a place with no cell signal, if this was some sort of attack then there was no way to call for backup.

I opened the doors of the bus and cautiously stepped out. I walked a bit away and looked around. Nothing around looked out of place, it was just a road next to a large forest and at the base of a cliff, there was no one around.

Third Person P.O.V.

"Oi! What the hell is going on?!" Bakugo yelled poking his head out a window of the bus.

"Stay in the bus." Eraser Head snapped sternly.

What looked like at least fifty black strings cut through the air and down towards the bus.

Some of the strings wrapped around the center of the bus and sliced it in half. The rest of the strings went inside the bus from the opening and grabbed the twenty students inside. The strings dragged all the teenagers out of the bus and trapped them further by all tangling together, forming a web-like net.

They all started to scream and yell.

"Mr. Aizawa!"

"What the hell is this?!"

Eraser Head called out to his students, slight panic in his tone, "Stay put! Don't move!" He spun his head around looking for the one person capable of this.

"I'm a bit surprised you would decide to come here... especially if you know I can easily get information on you and your class." Puppet's voice spoke from somewhere near the bus. Eraser Head stiffened hearing her voice.

Strings (BNHA x OC)Where stories live. Discover now