101 || Plan

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Third Person P.O.V.

"Well? What's going on?" Toga asked expectantly as Mr. Compress walked back down the stairs to them.

"We'd all like to know. She's important, so we can't have her falling apart on us." Shigaraki added.

"Hawks was killed, that's why she's like this." Mr. Compress told.

"What?!" Twice yelled. "He was the number two hero! Who killed him?"

"Endeavor was the one who carried out the deed." Mr. Compress said back.

"Good. It's one less person to worry about." Dabi spoke up.

"Are you so uncaring?" The magicians voice was curt as he turned to Dabi. "Hawks gave his life so that Puppet's could continue."

"Yeah, Dabi!" Twice backed up his comrade. "Hawks was a good guy! He was alright."

"Before you all get into a heated argument, I think we all should take a look at this." Kurogiri interrupted. He placed his phone on the table and leaned it against a cup so it was tilted to the point where they could all see.

Everyone fell silent and looked to the phone.

The warp villain pressed a play button on a video and it started to play. It was a news report from the day prior.

The headline for the news read clear as day;

"Hawks apprehended in fight between Endeavor and two villains from the League."

"Breaking news coming in now as the fight between Endeavor and two villains from the League of Villains; Puppet Master and Hawks comes to an end." A news reporter spoke. "We have been told that during the fight Hawks was apprehended after being knocked out and is currently being escorted to Tartarus Prison. Unfortunately, the villain Puppet Master escaped Endeavor after a long drawn-out battle between the two."

Another reporter jumped in. "You know, the more dangerous one was Puppet Master. I mean, how many times have we reported on her massacres? Endeavor should've focused on getting her arrested instead of Hawks. Sure it's good he's now going to Tartarus, but he doesn't have nearly as many crimes as she does."

"Did you see that fight? The amount of power that villain wields is not something to take lightly." The first reporter responded.

The two reporters bickered until the video ended and the League sat in silence for a few moments.

"They're all liars." Her voice cut through the silence like one of her razor sharp strings.

The group turned to see Puppet sitting on the stairs.

After a few moments of the group staring silently at her, Puppet suddenly stood up and raced up the stairs.

"Wait, Puppet!" Mr. Compress called after her.

When she didn't stop, the magician ran after her, his feet quickly hitting the floorboards as he went. He went up the stairs, going two at a time to increase his pace.

The two villains disappeared up onto the second floor of the building.

Mr. Compress' P.O.V.

I finally caught up to her at her room.

She was rushing around the small space, rummaging through drawers and picking up previously discarded throwing knives.

"Shigaraki wants to get into UA right? To kill All Might?" Puppet abruptly asked. She didn't even turn to look at me.

"What?" 'Why is she thinking about this now?'


"Yes, but you know why we haven't done anything yet. It's too great of a risk."

"I don't care. If we attack UA and kill All Might, we'll accomplish what we originally got together for. Top heroes will show up, sure, but we can take them-"

I walked in her path and stopped her. I grabbed onto her shoulders and shook her to gain her attention. A few of the knives she was holding fell from her hand and clattered to the floor.

"Hey," I said firmly, "slow down."

She looked at me. Her gaze was dark and even to me, chilling.

"Think this through," I urged. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes." Her answer was absolute.

She seemed way to intent for me to stop her. All I could do was help her with any sort of plan she would come up with.

I shook my head and sighed heavily. I couldn't believe I was about to go along with this. "Tell me your plan."

She pulled out of my grip and continued flitting around the room. "I'm pretty sure that Dabi already has plans to take on Endeavor. He's the one who killed Hawks, I want him erased. I don't care if you or anyone else in the League backs me up, I'm attacking UA regardless."

"What about that lad Eraser Head? He is a teacher at UA. What's to say you won't get caught by him?"

She pushed herself up to stand and walked her way over to the nightstand. "I may not come up with elaborate schemes like yours, but I have a plan to deal with him." She righted the nightstand so it was proper and opened the top drawer. Pulling out a small rectangular paper, she held it up between her forefinger and thumb so I could see it.

It was a picture of a teenage boy with a head of unruly purple-indigo hair. His eyes were a lavender color and looked tired, light grey bags beneath the lads eyes. I didn't recognize him.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"Hitoshi Shinso. He's a first year student at UA that Eraser Head favors. The kid's not a hero in training per se, but he is being trained by Eraser Head to get into the hero course."

So she planned to grab the kid and use him as leverage. But the success of that plan relied on one key factor.

"What's his quirk?"

"Brainwashing. If someone responds to him after he says something, he can control them."

'Quite the quirk.' I thought. "You have a way to get past it?"

"His quirk doesn't enhance his physical abilities, and if I don't respond to him he can't brainwash me. I assume since Eraser trained him that the two have the same, if not a similar fight style. He'll be predictable." She told. "There's also a way to get out of his control. If I'm knocked hard enough by something, that can break his connection."

"Have extra precautions in place. Ensure he can't keep you ensnared."

My gaze drifted to the floor and I noticed the throwing knives she had dropped earlier still laying there. I knelt down and picked them up before standing up again.

"I plan to." She responded.

"Sounds like a viable strategy to me." I strode over to her and held out the throwing knives.

"I'm glad you agree." She said, taking the knives and sliding them up her sleeves, each one with a click. "Can you tell the others? I'm still getting some things worked out."

"I'll handle it. Not sure they'd want to hear it from you now anyway." I said. "I'll make sure to word it properly."

"Thank you, Compress."

"My pleasure." I tipped my hat, happy when I saw the faintest hint of a smile pull at the corners of her mouth.

"Well I'm off." I said and started to the door.

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