115 || Brainwashed

412 15 9

Puppets P.O.V.

'Dammit!! I didn't think it would work if he couldn't talk!'

I couldn't move. My mind was foggy. I didn't have control. This was bad — very bad.

Eraser was undoubtedly trying to get out of my strings, then if he knocked me out I would lose.

I wouldn't be able to snap myself out of this. There was only one way I could think of to get out of this as quick as I could. I just had to hope a soul was near enough.

'Please, let this work.'

Eraser Head's P.O.V.

As soon as I realized what happened, I quickly began to work my way out of the strings Puppet had tied me with.

Shinso wouldn't be able to give any instructions to Puppet with his mouth sewn shut, so it was up to me. I needed to get to her quick. I needed to knock her out. If I did that, she would go back into custody and be out of the fight for good.

Once I got an arm free, I quickly went to grab my scarf. I threw an end of my capture weapon at my dagger, which had been tossed to the ground. The fabric grabbed the blade, and I yanked it back and into my hand.

I used the blade to easily slice the strings around me, gaining my freedom.

I immediately ran over to Puppet. Quickly, I sliced off a portion of my scarf and used it to bind her hands behind her back. As I did, I made sure to empty the throwing knives from their holders up her sleeves, and I tossed them aside.

I hooked my arms under Puppet's. Gently, I kicked the back of her knees, forcing her knees to buckle and her legs to fold.

I pulled her over and rested her sitting against a tree. I made sure to be relatively careful, making sure that I didn't knock her from Shinso's control.

In the time it had taken me to free myself and get over to Puppet, her eyes had closed. My stomach twisted.

I knew what she was doing, and there was no way to avoid it. She was coming back as a soul, it was really just a question of when. Soon — that was for sure.

As soon as Puppet was restrained, I rushed over to Shinso.

"Keep your focus." I told him.

I slung his free arm behind my neck and around my shoulders, slightly lifting him and giving support.

"Hold on." I advised, and I felt his arm hold slightly tighter around my shoulder.

I reached up with my dagger and cut the string still holding him up. I quickly supported his weight as he dropped into my grasp.

Carefully, I lowered him to the ground, helping him sit down.

"I know you're not okay, but I need you to keep your focus on your quirk and stay hidden." I said. "This isn't over; she'll be back with souls."

He gave a shaky few nods.

My attention immediately shifted as I heard a figure running through the nearby brush.

I quickly got up and away from Shinso. I couldn't be near him — not if I needed him to be hidden.

I ran near Puppet's unconscious body and kept my head on a swivel. This was going to be a defensive game. I had to keep whatever soul Puppet was controlling away from her real body — and I just had to hope that she wouldn't find Shinso.

There was a close-by rustle in some bushes, and that was the only warning I got before a soul jumped out at me. It had it's fist wound back.

"You think I'm going to just let that slide?!" The soul—or rather Puppet—yelled.

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