94 || Rage

906 32 10

Puppets P.O.V

My throat closed up and it felt as if I couldn't breathe. My mind went fuzzy and I could hear my own heartbeat in my ears.

'He dropped him. He fell to his death.'

'He KILLED him.'

Endeavor had landed nearby. He was burning one of my souls in order to destroy it. He was near, within my reach.

My body moved before my mind could think. Usually this would be a characteristic found in a hero, but apparently it could be in villains too.

I turned on Endeavor, rushing at him without a second thought.

"YOU KILLED HIM!!" I screamed.

I wanted to kill him. I wanted to tear him limb from limb. I wanted to watch his soul rise from his corpse. I wanted to hear his screams of pain as I ripped him apart in the most brutal way possible.

I rushed at him with a throwing knife, but before I could even get near Endeavor, he blasted out a heatwave, keeping me back. "I didn't kill him. He made me drop him, then he fell at a speed I couldn't match."

"You think I care?!" I yelled back, tears pricking at my eyes from the heat in the air and the emotions I was screaming out. "It's your fault!!"

While this conversation was happening, my souls were fighting what few sidekicks remained on the battlefield. Hawks had taken out a lot of them, but there were still some around.

Endeavor clearly couldn't keep up the high heat to hold me at bay, and soon, the heat diminished.

I rushed at him again, this time getting in close. I swung my knife at him, going for his neck with the blade. I needed to get in close, if I got in close then I could hurt him.

Endeavor caught my arm with his hand and lifted me so my feet barely had any contact with the ground.

He started to crush my arm and forced me to drop my knife. I quickly reacted and flicked strings from my fingertips at Endeavors face.

The strings whipped across his face and he dropped my arm to clutch at the place I hit. The strings weren't sharp, but they still did decent damage.

I dropped to the ground and went into a roll, grabbing my knife in the process. I went right under and through Endeavors legs and slashed his calf with the knife. I grabbed the same leg I slashed with strings and pulled, forcing him down to one knee.

I was going to follow up my first hit by standing up and stabbing him in the back, but Endeavor quickly pivoted on his knee and blasted flames at me. I dodged in time for only the tail of my sweater to be singed.

As I was running, one of my own souls suddenly knocked into my side and threw me into the ground.

"I got you covered, Endeavor!" A feminine voice called. "Recover!"

I pushed my soul off of me in a hurry and threw myself up just in time to avoid bright green flames.

Her again? She was getting in the way. I wasn't in the mood for mercy anymore, so now she was going to die.

I turned towards Burnin. She was already rushing at me with her green flames at the ready.

She wasn't all that powerful, just annoying.

I jumped back to get out of her range and slashed strings at her. In order to avoid my attack, she used her hair to fly up into the air.

She wouldn't fight me. She was just stalling; buying time for Endeavor.

When she landed back on the ground I shot more strings at her. One of them caught around her wrist. I pulled on it, making her lose her footing.

'There. That's my opening.'

A razor sharp string came from my finger as I whipped it towards her.

A wall of flames shot out and blocked my path, burning up my string. Of course he had to prevent me from killing her. Of course.

More flames billowed directly at me and I jumped back.

"Burnin! You and Kido take care of the souls! I'll handle Puppet Master!" Endeavor called.

He rocketed towards me, and in the blink of an eye he was right in front of me. He punched me right in the stomach and sent me flying back. I planted my feet into the ground and skidded to a halt.

My stomach already hurt because of Mirko, him hitting me again just really hurt. Though, he could've hit me with more force and really hurt me, or maybe even kill me. But the news helicopter I noticed hovering over my head was what was holding him back.

Endeavor couldn't kill me now, not while thousands, maybe over a million people were watching this fight live on the news. The news helicopter was my savior right now.

Of course that wasn't going to stop him or his sidekicks from trying to capture me. I learned that quite painfully when he didn't even allow me to catch my breath, rushing at me yet again.

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