114 || "Would you mourn?"

367 13 9

Third Person P.O.V.

"Now, what should I do with you, Eraser?" Puppet slowly started to bend his arms in an unnatural way behind his back. "Break your bones as you did mine?"

Eraser Head grit his teeth, trying not to say anything.

She bent his arms further. This time his body reacted to try and move away from the pain, his back and shoulders shifting to try and relieve the pressure. His heartbeat picked up and his breathing became heavier. He was afraid, and as far as he was concerned, anyone who wasn't in a situation like this was a fool.

"There we go~" Puppet released some of the pressure off his arms, letting his muscles relax.

With the pressure removed off his arms, Eraser Head tried to move his legs under him. If he could succeed in doing so he might be able to push her off. Unfortunately, he found that his feet only slipped along the dirt uselessly.

"You're stuck, you know that. So why do you still try?" She asked, and she was genuinely curious. How did heroes have so much drive in them? "Is it because there's nothing left to do? Because you feel it's your responsibility to get rid of me? Or is it some other reason?"

"Get off.." He growled back. He didn't have many ideas left. Puppet had been smart, she dragged Shinso all the way out here to lure Eraser Head in. All of the other fights were happening in different areas, so there likely wasn't anyone around to call for help. Unlike most of her comrades, Puppet could be very careful not to draw attention to herself. Most of the other fights were flashy and loud while she in comparison was silent.

"You know, you taught me not to rely on my
quirk." She said, "Even now, I'm not using any strings to restrain you, I'm only using my body weight and my hands."

"Are you trying to make small talk? If so that's atrocious." He grumbled.

"No, I'm not." She denied. "I just thought of sharing something that you taught me. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're capable at teaching more than heroes in training."

Puppet hummed in thought. Strings wrapped around Eraser Heads wrists, locking them tight in place behind his back. "That's better."

Puppet reached around and took a hold of part of the capture weapon around Eraser Head's neck. With surprising gentleness, she wrapped it over his eyes and around his head, tying the fabric into a loose knot behind his head to hold it on.

He was now blindfolded. Not only was he unable to see her or her actions, but he couldn't use his quirk. The unease began to set in and he could only intently listen to get a grasp on the situation as it progressed.

"You don't need this, do you?" Puppet asked.

Eraser Head heard the sliding of metal on metal as his dagger was pulled from its sheath.

Puppet placed the dull end of the blade against the middle of his back. He make sure to keep still, he knew his dagger was sharp, he had the foresight to sharpen it a few days ago in preparation for a moment just like this... but he would've hoped the situation was in reverse. He didn't expect himself to be at the mercy of his own weapon.

Puppet clicked her tongue. "What to do, what to do." She murmured, tapping the blade against his back.

She quickly flipped the blade and now pushed the sharp edge to his back.

He willed himself not to move, to not amuse her antics. But that only caused her press the blade more and more.

At a point, the blade felt like it was going to pierce his skin. He sucked in a sharp breath and flinched, his muscles pulling taut.

Strings (BNHA x OC)Where stories live. Discover now