42 || Tracking

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Hawks' P.O.V.

I let out a heavy breath and contemplated my answer.

The heroes had betrayed me, they said they would tell me when they planned to attack, and yet they didn't. I understand why if they found out that over the past week or so I had been giving them faulty information, but nonetheless, they still went back on their word. Even Endeavor had talked to me like I was a villain.

"I'm on your side, the heroes betrayed me." I answered.

"Fine, you'd better hope we don't find a reason to kill you." Shigaraki said and he backed away from me.

Dabi backed away from me too and walked to the opposite side of the warehouse.

Shigaraki was right, I'd best hope they didn't get a reason to kill me.

Third Person P.O.V.

After a few minutes everyone had calmed down a bit and Mr. Compress had pulled himself together and put his mask back on.

"Compress, you have the others right?" Shigaraki asked.

"Yes." Mr. Compress replied reaching into his back pocket and pulling out several blue marbles. He threw them to the floor and snapped his fingers. The marbles turned into several members of the League; Magne, Kurogiri, and Toga. Both Magne and Kurogiri were unconscious while Toga was conscious and trying to stand. Twice rushed to Toga and helped her stand up, she groaned in pain.

—Two hours later—

"We need to get her back." Magne said, she had woken up not too long ago.

"Yeah! We need her." Twice agreed.

"We can't do that without Kurogiri, and thanks to Edgeshot he's still out cold." Shigaraki said pointing to Kurogiri who was still lying on the floor.

"They would have taken her to Tartarus." Hawks said.

"How do we get her back then? It's not like we can just waltz into Tartarus, right?" Toga inquired.

"You're not waltzin' anywhere with an ankle like that." Magne pointed out Toga's injury.

"Hmph." Toga crossed her arms and pouted while she glared playfully at her verbal attacker.

Kurogiri let out a groan and began to stir awake. Magne went over to him and helped him sit up. The familiar piercing yellow slit-like eyes of the warp villain opened.

"Good to see you're still alive, my friend." Mr. Compress walked over to Kurogiri as well.

"Hey, of course he's still alive. No one's that weak." Twice interjected.

"What was the toll?" Kurogiri's deep voice asked.

"We lost the hideout." Shigaraki answered swiftly leaving out the more important loss.

"What else?" Kurogiri pressed, fully aware that Shigaraki wasn't telling him everything.

"Puppet's gone." Dabi blurted out bluntly.

Kurogiri thought for a moment before his head perked up as he remembered something, "She may not be." He spoke.

"The day Puppet went out on a mission around two weeks ago, I provided her with a small tracking device." He informed, "If she used it we'll be able to track her exact coordinates."

"With what exactly? Everything was back in the hideout." Hawks questioned aggressively.

"I do keep a few things out of your reach." A small warp gate opened next to Kurogiri and a small, rectangular electronic fell out, he caught it in his hand, "We can track her with this." He answered.

He turned on the electronic and a map appeared on the small screen. A small dot appeared with the label 'Puppet Master' above it.

"She used it." Kurogiri stated with satisfaction.

"Well where is she?" Shigaraki asked looking over Kurogiri's shoulder at the map on the device.

Kurogiri pressed a button on the device and the map zoomed out. There was a rectangular shape around Puppet, and above it were the words 'Tartarus Prison'.

"They took her to Tartarus." Kurogiri answered plainly.

"Can we get her back?" Dabi asked.

"Yes, if there's any way to get her back we need to try." Mr. Compress agreed with the scar-faced villain.

"We'll wait for a few hours to see if she moves from her current location. If she doesn't I'll open a warp gate to her." Kurogiri responded.

"I guess now we wait then." Shigaraki stated.

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