( 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 )

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"we're going to be late" Elle sighed in exasperation as she grabbed a hold of her husbands hand. Her and George paced hurriedly into Kings Cross station with their heart beats pounding through their ears.

"calm down" George laughed as he gently pulled her back, wrapping his arm around her waist as they walked in sync through the crowds of impatient muggles and excited children.

"George they'll panic if we're not there, remember what happened at christmas" she worried,
"yeah that was a bit shit" George joked, "but look we've got five minutes, the trains never early".

"I can't believe it... third year god i feel old" Elle sighed, "they're fourteen George fourteen, I'll blink and they'll be twenty one"
"don't remind me" George smirked, "hang on... aren't we supposed to meet them here"

"no we're meeting the kids on the platform... aren't we" she frowned in anxiety,
"not the kids" George laughed, "look" he pointed his finger to another couple who were running through the station.

Fred Weasley looked as smart as ever wearing his purple suit with a hat balanced on top of his head, the man always looked as though he'd walked out of an old 1940's movie.

Holding his hand was his wife Verity, her blonde hair styled elegantly so it just sifted over her shoulders. Her heels clicking against the stone floor as she waved over in exuberance.

"Elle!" she called happily as she hugged her tightly, "George" she continued as she hugged the man as well.
"Verity it's only been a few days" Elle laughed at her friends easily excited attitude.

"sorry" she smirked, "I can't wait to see them... it's been four months you know"
"I know" Elle nodded, "you get used to it after a few years, I'm sure Belle will be fine"
"she writes every week" Verity smiled, "she's made so many friends"

"hearing from them makes me wish I was back there" Elle pouted slightly, "don't you miss it"
"I guess" Verity shrugged, "maybe my experience would have been better if i'd been friends with you"
"well obviously" laughed Elle sarcastically, "there was never a dull moment with the twins"

"was?" questioned Fred, "there still isn't"
"where's Owen anyway?" Elle asked referencing the couples younger child.
"with Molly" Fred replied, "swear he loves spending time with her more than he likes spending time with us"

"course he does" Elle smirked, "she is the most amazing cook after all"
"true" Veirty agreed, "i could eat a thousand of her sunday dinners"

"we should get going" Fred looked at the clock above the platform, "only one minute to go"
"come on then" Elle beamed as she linked arms  with her husband.
"let's go" George replied as they paced into the seemingly solid wall.

Almost an instant later they were standing on a beautifully old fashioned train platform.
The train was yet to pull in yet the station was packed full with waiting families, chatting excitedly in anticipation to see their children again.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now