𝟓𝟔. 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

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The day of the ball brought excitement and anticipation from all the students.

Although the boys had originally pretended to be unexcited about this dance, even they seemed to be chattering excitedly as the day advanced.

The girls had started late morning to get ready. Lauren seemed particularly intent on getting everything done in time even though the dance didn't start until six.

The dresses were laid out nearly on the beds, Elle had been careful not to get it creased despite Angelina claiming she knew a charm to sort that out.

The swerves of the dark silk material glimmered in the sunlight which shined through the dorm room window.

Angelina had taken her braids out and allowed her sleek black hair to run softly down her back.
"it goes better with the dress" she smiled informatively.

Lauren had agreed to do Elle's makeup as she didn't trust herself to get it right. However Lauren was stressed by this and had wrote out a whole timetable to get everything done on time.

"you're not even this organised when it comes to school" Alicia grinned as she gazed over the papers Lauren had prepared.

"some things are just more important" Lauren beamed as she sat trying to decide between two pairs of heels.

"You seem less upset about having to go on your own now" Katie called over to Alicia who was gently stroking the folds of her dress.

"well i'm not going alone" she grinned smugly to herself.

All the girls turned around in shock, Angelina dropped her dress, Katie threw the papers onto her bed. Lauren let go of her shoes and they thumped on the floor while Elle just gawped at the girl who was now giggling.

"and you didn't mention this?" Lauren gasped,

"you didn't ask" Alicia shrugged,

"who are you going with?"

"A durmstrang boy called Aleksi"

"that's amazing Ally" Elle squealed as she pulled the girl into a tight hug.

She noted over Alicia's shoulders that Angelina was looking slightly jealous.

"oh my goodness we all have dates"

"who would've thought" Katie gazed dreamily out the window as the other girls laughed joyously.


The day moved on quicker that Elle had expected and she was becoming more nervous by the second.

"i can't walk in heels" she groaned as she hobbled across the floor like bambi on ice,

They were all practicing walking in heels around the room which had resulted in bruised knees and a lot of cursing.

"Lauren I don't know how you do it" Katie groaned, rubbing her heel in obvious pain,

"Yeah I feel like a giraffe" Angelina sighed, she was the tallest out of the girl shortly followed by Elle who also felt too tall.

Luckily their dates were both 6'3 so they wouldn't have to worry about towering over them.

The clock had just reached four which on Lauren's time table marked makeup and hair time.

Elle had debated whether to straighten her hair or not, she loved her natural bouncy curls but she also wanted to look different to match the new dark look she was venturing into with her dress.

She decided to do it and sat in front of the floor length mirror holding Lauren's straighteners carefully.

"Stay still" Lauren moaned as she tried to apply liner to Katie's eyes,

"You're going to poke my eye out" she squirmed.

Elle stared at her reflection and for a moment she didn't recognise the girl looking back. She'd never had her hair straightened before. It looked so sleek like ribbon and now stretched down past her ribs.

When it was Elle's turn to get her makeup done she sat completely still worried that Lauren was too stressed to deal with any more twitching around.

The eyeliner was by far the worst part, it wasn't that she didn't trust Lauren but as she held the pencil close to her eye she feared she would slip and Elle would be blinded for the evening.

"Done" Lauren beamed proudly "Elle you look stunning, George won't believe his eyes"


The girls actually weren't aware that George and Elle were actually going as more than friends. It had reached the end of the week and Fred still hadn't been informed.

Elle was being as patient as possible as she understood that telling Fred seemed to be a big deal for George however she had hoped she'd be able to tell the girls before the ball.

It had been hard keeping it a secret as she was so incredibly excited over the new revelation and she knew the girls would be too. However in order to be fair to George she had to wait.

Still she couldn't completely deny that something way going on, every time his name was brought up the girls noticed the blush creeping over Elle's cheeks.

It was only a matter of time before they predicted the truth. After all Katie said she had a sense for these kind of things.

Lauren held up the hand mirror in front of Elle's face and she gasped in shock,
"Wow you actually made me look decent" Elle laughed,
"Decent, you look incredible" Katie gawped.

The girls helped each other slip on their dresses as they talked chaotically about the dance.

As Alicia turned around looking like a princess in her red glittering dress, Angelina yet again was at a loss for words.

Elle slipped on her thin black heels and made a simple prayer that she hoped she wouldn't fall and make a fool of herself.

Lauren looked like a fairy with her hair curled and pinned up in an elegant style. She was the only one who had opted for a short dress to show off her tanned and now shimmering legs.

"Safe to say we all look absolutely amazing" Alicia squealed as she clasped the gold necklace around Elle's neck. It was the one her parents had bought her a few Christmas's ago with the lion pendant, she still wore it every day.

"How long do we have?" Katie jumped eagerly as she pinned part of her hair back to reveal the silver jewellery laced delicately over her chest.

"Ten minutes" Lauren gasped "I don't think I'm ready" she placed her hand on her head dramatically.

"Lauren you look perfect" Angelina rolled her eyes"

"We all look perfect" Lauren reiterated happily.

The girls stood excitedly on the common room awaiting the ball. They shared feelings with the rest of the school

Hogwarts was buzzing as it never had before as the great hall glistened with beautiful decorations of white and blue.

Tonight was going to be a good one.


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now