𝟐𝟖. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐬

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When Elle woke the words of the dream were still swimming like mermaids in her mind, the magical fire had litten itself and was pleasantly warming the room which alerted Elle that it must be later on. She noticed that her hunger had overcome her, after all she had skipped out of the welcome feast.

Gently lifting the floor from whence she had arrived, she peered around the common room to see it was completely empty. Elle snuck out and placed the floor back down discreetly. The common room was dark but the messed up cushions and dented chairs showed that people had been in here.

She stood alone for a moment considering her options of how to get food, she knew where it was kept but if she went sneaking around the castle after hours she was bound to get caught. However as her stomach rumbled loudly she knew that she had no choice.


She pushed open the door to the common room and it closed behind her revealing the fat lady who was snoring loudly. Glad she didn't have to converse with the portrait once more, she began to sneak down the corridor towards the moving staircases.

Elle came in luck again as she managed to descend to the right level without encountering a shifting staircase. She assumed the teachers must be asleep as she didn't hear or see anyone as she crept down a corridor filled with paintings.

As she came to the middle of a corridor she found the painting she was looking for, a fruit bowl. She had remembered the twins telling her that the kitchens were worked by house elves who were usually very helpful when it came to getting food and drink (which is how they supplied most of the snacks for their previous parties).

Elle stood awkwardly looking at the painting. Tickle the pear. That's what they had told her but now she was standing looking at it tickling the painting seemed stupid and just like a prank that they would pull. As her stomach was making ridiculous noise she decided that she no longer cared whether this was a joke or not.

She reached out her hand and tickled the green paint composed into the shape of a pear. To her alarm the pear seemed to giggle. Elle seemed taken aback but not for long as the painting sprang open revealing a large kitchen area.

They were four large tables the same size as the ones in the great hall. The kitchen seemed empty, there were large fridges and ovens along with chopping boards and knives, she stepped through and carefully closed the painting behind her.

If there were house elves in here they must be sleeping as Elle couldn't hear a sound. She gazed over the empty tables and wondered if this was directly below the great hall. The brunette didn't know her way around the castle that well however she assumed that since the layout was the same, this room posed as an explanation to the fast appearing food.


"Hello" Elle jumped and turned to see what she knew to be a house elf. They were short with large ears and big eyes and Elle couldn't help but see them as cute,
"Hello... sorry I didn't mean to disturb you" Elle smiled kindly,
"How can I help you?" The elf squeaked and Elle seemed even more taken aback when five more elves scurried out of a room at the bottom of the door.

"I was just looking for some food... I missed the feast you see" the elves nodded and began preparing food in a flash. Elle felt guilty for waking them but they seemed to enjoy the making of the food and even sang a small song as they did this. The twins had mentioned how much the elves enjoyed their work.

The majority of house elves loved working as it was what they were raised to do. Personally Elle couldn't help feel guilt about it but she knew that if they enjoyed it she shouldn't feel this way.

The Gryffindor found herself sitting at the end of one of the tables as the elves laid the food down in front of her,
"Thank you so much" she smiled, the elves just nodded before scurrying off back into the room that they had come from.

Elle looked at the assortment of goods they had brought her, some buttered bread, pork pies and a range of pastries along with a bowl of fruit and a slice of chocolate cake.

She ate greedily, steadily realising how hungry she had actually been. For a moment she didn't think of her dreams or her friends and she just sat eating the food that the elves had prepared.

However this sweet relief didn't last long and Elle found herself thinking of the two men in Azkaban. Her curiosity ebbed her to find out who Sirius black was but she didn't want to talk about her dreams to anyone as this led to the ultimate discussion of Theodore Sanders who was already a bane to her existence.

Her mind often played a false reality where her friends discovered her brothers identity and all turned against her, this terrified Elle and ultimately led to her decision to not tell them. Another reality that her mind toyed with was the idea of her parents not giving Theo up leaving her with the possibility of a brother which is something she'd always dreamed of.


Elle finished her feast and politely left the dishes next to the sink feeling replenished. As she began to walk back to the portrait she found herself craving pumpkin juice and turned back to open up the fridges. There she saw the large glass bottles filled with the substance. She took one hoping that the elves either wouldn't notice or wouldn't mind.

She walked more confidently back to the common room while drinking her juice as she assumed all the teachers would be fast asleep by now. The staircases didn't move at all as she walked up them and she felt more relaxed after having a full stomach.

Elle approached the fat ladies portrait which was now wake. Elle's heart sank as she realised she was still unaware of the password.
"What are you doing out of bed" the lady lifted her eyebrow sternly,
"Well I missed the feast so" Elle held up the bottle of juice hoping that would explain enough. The lady eyed her suspiciously but shrugged as the portrait flew open.

Elle assumed that the fat lady must have taken a liking to her which would definitely be useful if she ever forgot the password again. Elle flopped down onto the sofa as she continued to drink her juice.
She pondered where her friends thought she was, maybe they just thought she hadn't turned up this year. This theory seemed solid until Elle remembered that her suitcase would be up there along with Moon's cage.

She worried that they would be anxious about her location. Maybe they feared the worse and thought she'd been captured or something. Truthfully she was absolutely fine but she knew if she faced them she'd probably crumble like a pathetic piece of paper which wasn't a good option.

Elle thought that she was alone in the darkened common room until she heard a voice ring out from behind her,
"Nice of you to finally show up"


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now