𝟒𝟓. 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟

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"Elle I'm sorry I didn't tell you previously" Remus sighed before turning back to Hermione "when did you figure it out?"
"When Professor Snape did the lesson on werewolves" realisation washed over Elle as she thought back to his cold stare that he'd given her whole talking about the creatures. He knew.

"Remus... she's yours?" Sirius smirked at Elle,
"My brothers" Remus corrected as Elle still trembled to herself in the corner unable to move,
"Ah old Samson" Elle flinched at her fathers name "didn't think he'd ever get himself a life with all the time he spent hating over yours"
"Shut up" Elle snapped at Sirius who frowned.

"You're a murderer" Harry growled a pot Sirius, changing the focus of the conversation "you betrayed my parents"
"No he didn't Harry, someone did betray your parents that night but it wasn't Sirius"
"Who was it then?"
"Peter Pettigrew" Sirius sang happily,
"Pettigrew's dead... you killed him" Harry spat.

"EXPELLIARMUS" Elle saw Remus' wand fly through the air as the figure of Professor Snape entered the room,
"Ah Remus you got here first, I warned Dumbledore that you would be helping your old friend into the castle but he didn't listen"
"Run along snivelllus, shouldn't you be playing with your chemistry set" Sirius uttered causing the potions teacher to press his wand against the man's throat,
"Give me a reason why I shouldn't" Snape growled "you know the dementors are out looking for you... I'm sure they'd be more than happy to give you a kiss".

"EXPELLIARMUS" Harry cried, Snape turned round in surprise before he was thrown backwards, he hit the bed in the corner and didn't move. He'd been knocked out.
"Harry what the hell are you doing" Hermione hissed "you just stunned a teacher"
"Tell me about Peter Pettigrew" Harry turned to Sirius.

"No let's kill him now" Sirius contradicted,
"Harry deserves to know the truth, if we wait-"
"I DID MY WAITING, TWELVE YEARS OF IT, IN AZKABAN" Sirius yelled out looking more mad than ever, Remus sighed before turning back to Harry.

"He was at school with us, we thought he was our friend" Remus muttered "but on the night of your parents death, it was him that betrayed Lily and James not Sirius"
"Yes and he's in this room right now" Sirius called "come out come out Peter"
"He's in this room?" Harry enquired,
"Yes he's right there" the man pointed directly to Ron,
"Are you mental" Ron snapped "he thinks I'm Peter Pettigrew"
"No not you Ron" Lupin interjected "your rat"

"Scabbers, but he's been in my family for-"
"TWELVE YEARS" Sirius interrupted "awfully long life for a common rat, isn't it?"
"I knew it was him as soon as I saw him in that paper, he only has four toes" Sirius smirked,
"So what?" Ron snapped,
"When they found Pettigrew all that was left of him was a-"

"A finger!" Sirius cried "he cut it off himself, he used the explosion as a diversion, made it seem as though I had caused it, then he transformed into a rat and disappeared"
"Prove it" Harry stated as Sirius began to move towards Ron.
"Get off him!" Ron yelled as the man grasped hold of his Rat,
"Give him it Ron" Harry mumbled and the red head let go,
"Scabbers"he whined as Sirius moved to place the rat on the piano, Elle noticed that Theodore was still standing by the window, for a moment Elle had forgotten he was there.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now