𝟒𝟖. 𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐯𝐬 𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚

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It was an hour before the game and the group had already gone to buy all the merchandise they could afford. Elle and Hermione only bought a green and white scarf for the Irish where the others were buying hats, face paint and figurines.
"Elle i need to you paint my face, Ginny won't do it" Fred frowned as they say around in the boys tent.
"whatever" Elle smirked as she snatched the green and white paint from his hand.

"what do you want?" Elle enquired, Fred frowned for a moment before his eyes lit up,
"a huge four leaf clover covering my entire face"
"i was going to do two small ones but if you insist" Elle grinned as she dipped her finger in the green paint and began to bend down in order to place it on his face.
"you're going to break your back doing that" Fred chucked as he grabbed Elle's arm and pulled her down to sit on his lap. Elle was taken a back for a moment as she stared awkwardly at the twin.

She heard a noise and turned to see George enter the tent. He stared at them for a moment before quickly moving to the kitchen without saying anything.
For some reason Elle felt guilty for a brief second before questioning her emotions. She had no reason to feel guilty, right?. She turned back to Fred and continued placing the green paint in the shape of a four leaf clover before outlining it as cleanly as she could in white.

"i can do yours if you want" Elle called to George who was making himself a mug of tea,
"um... yeah thanks" he smiled as Fred stood up from George who was now admiring himself in the mirror while wearing his Irish scarf and hat.
Elle walked over to George,
"Do you want a ridiculous clover aswell" she chuckled,
"nah i think i'll go for the more simple approaches" he smiled softly and Elle nodded. She placed one line of green and white of each side. She stood back to take in her work.

"looks great if i do say so myself" George smiled and seemed to relax slightly.
"you not putting any on?" Fred called from across the room as he paraded around,
"i'll do it for you" George offered as he took the paint from Elle's hand. She nodded quickly,
"yeah just the same as yours" George dipped his finger into the paint and lightly smeared the green paint over her face. His touch was so soft she could barely feel it as he repeated the process with the white paint.
"thank you" Elle murmured as she found herself staring at George for way too long.

"Children" Arthur called from the entrance of the tent "come outside" Elle jumped and looked away from George to see Fred smirking at them. She blushed before hurrying out the tent to see what Arthur wanted.
"Fred, George, Elle... this is Ludo Bagman" Elle gazed at the man who was short but muscular with longish blonde hair with a tattoo of a wasp splashed across his chest,
"brilliant to meet you both... i'm the commentator for tonight i was just looking for old Barty when i ran into Arthur here" he grinned.

Elle turned to see that the rest of the group were now sitting around outside basking in the sun.
"while i'm here do any of you kids want to place any bets" he grinned,
"no no Ludo, none of these are old enough to gamble" Arthur chuckled. The man shrugged and Elle saw the twins give each other a wicked glance.
As Arthur turned to Ron and Harry, the twins beckoned to Ludo to come over. He strutted over and Elle followed what the two were up to.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now