𝟖𝟖. 𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬

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Angelina had started to get so warped up in the idea of quidditch that Elle couldn't help but avoid her.
"She's turning into Wood" Fred shivered after she'd given them a lecture about being punctual at training. So far they'd only had tryouts but the first training session was that evening.
She'd already gone completely mental in the hall that morning after finding out that Harry had managed to land himself in detention with Umbridge meaning that he wouldn't be able to attend.

Elle considered telling Harry to prepare himself for Umbridge's detention but she didn't think it would do him any good. Elle's had still had a faint mark on it but nothing more than that. Hearing that Harry had an entire week of detentions definitely made her feel like she'd been let off easy. However Umbridge was bound to hate Harry having come from the ministry.
The team made their way out onto the pitch that evening. Elle (who was usually quite excited about training) would have rather been inside. The weather was absolutely freezing and flying around at top speed on a broom definitely wasn't going to change that.

What made it worse was the fact that the Slytherins team were all sitting in the stands watching. Usually Oliver would have told them to get lost however Angelina didn't bother,
"Let them sneer" she sighed "they wont be when we're playing them"
"WHAT BROOM DOES WEASLEY HAVE" Draco Malfoy's cold voice jeered across the pitch "DID YOU STEAL THAT FROM A MUSEUM"
Ron turned around in anger but was quickly grabbed by Angelina who dragged him away.

"Angelina what's wrong with your hair?" Pansy Parkinson laughed "why would anyone want to look like they had worms coming out of their head" Elle turned to make a move towards the smug faced girl but George grabbed her arm.
"Ignore them, they're not worth it" he muttered. Angelina had taken the advice, she smiled kindly up at Pansy and pushed her braided hair over her shoulders.
"Right, Fred Alicia you go get the crate" she began "everyone else in the air"
George, Elle, Angelina and Ron flew up. Ron took his position over by the centre goal post and Angelina and Elle started doing laps of the pitch to warm themselves up. They were unsuccessful.


Alicia and Fred let the balls out (except the snitch) and the training started. Elle had missed playing quidditch last year however as training went on she also began to miss Wood.
Elle didn't want to say anything against Ron, but he definitely wasn't on par with their previous keeper.
He started out rough, when Alicia had gone to score a goal he'd caught the quaffle but then promptly dropped it. The Slytherins all laughed wickedly from the stands and Ron soared to get it. He almost slipped off his broom when he tried to catch it and Elle saw the twins giving each other a knowing glance. Thankfully they didn't say anything.

Alicia, Angelina and Elle passed the quaffle back and forth perfectly as they glided across the pitch. It was as though they hadn't stopped playing at all. Meanwhile Fred and George were doing as good a job as usual with the bludgers. They seemed to be enjoying themselves a bit too much as they jokingly sent a bludger flying in the direction of the Slytherins who all jumped in panic.
"My bad" Fred winked at them. Draco and Pansy seemed particularly livid.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now