𝟏𝟒𝟐. 𝐢 𝐝𝐨

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10th January 1998

After what felt like years of waiting, the day was finally here. It seemed the weather had listened to Elle's prayers as the sun was out spreading golden light over the tops of houses, glistening with frost.
The excitement was unimaginable, there had never been a day quite like this and Elle's life and she knew there never would be again.

Like agreed, the wedding would be around sunset which was set to start around six considering with winter came darker nights. Elle spent the morning lying in bed feeling the crisp white sheets surrounding her, by the time she woke up it was past noon and the twins had gone to shell cottage to get ready.

Elle however was getting ready at the flat as it was tradition that the groom shouldn't see the bride before the wedding. George had taken this very seriously and decided to spend to night on the couch while Elle got to stretch out over the bed.

She pushed her way out into the apartment to see her four bridesmaids sitting around the kitchen table drinking champagne and laughing happily.
"There she is!" Lauren squealed as she jumped up and conjured a chair for Elle to sit on.
"Here have some champagne" Alicia smiled as she poured her a glass. The brunette took the bubbles gratefully and felt immediately warmed by the magic touch of the drink.

"We should start getting ready, there's a tight schedule you know" Lauren began,
"There's always a tight schedule when it comes to you and getting ready" Katie rolled her eyes,
"Yeah remember the Yule ball" Angelina pointed out "we were getting ready six hours in advance"
"Yes and we all looked absolutely brilliant so you're welcome" Lauren shrugged.

The dresses had been levitated in the air so they didn't crease. Elle admired her pearl embedded dress as the sunlight made it gleam brighter than the rest. For the girls dresses, they had chosen a dainty lilac which complemented all of them brilliantly.

Getting ready was a lot of fun considering it was with the girls. They danced and laughed around excitedly. Lauren spent a lot of time straightening out Elle's hair just as it had been at the ball four years ago. Elle loved her curls but she always felt rather beautiful to see her dark hair cascading down her back. Lauren added a few waves into it to frame her face.

"I can't believe you're actually getting married" Katie sighed as she zipped up the back of Elle's dress, "I feel like we should still be in high school"
"Me too" Elle nodded "it's so surreal"
"Incredible though" Lauren added as she touched up her makeup in the mirror.

They stood staring at each other happily after they were done. The girls all looked beautiful in their lilac dresses and Elle looked ethereal in her own.
Wearing heels wouldn't be an entirely practical idea considering they had to walk across the sand so they'd boded for flats which would definitely make it easier.

"So we're meeting Remus outside the cottage and they'll all be on the beach?" Asked Angelina,
"Yeah" Elle smiled " you can all go down first then I'll follow... god I hope I don't fall down the stairs"
"That would be hilarious" Alicia snorted before Lauren shot her a glance "what?" She laughed "it would be"

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now