𝟒𝟐. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐲

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Over the few years Elle had known the twins, she'd began to notice the subtle differences that divided them. Everyone assumed that they were copies of each other, exactly the same. However Elle knew this to be false. Originally she'd used the subtle differences to tell them apart such as the two small moles on George's neck and how Fred's eyes were slightly higher.

She knew the familiar scent of cinnamon that George carried and was now becoming accustomed to Fred's subtle smell of pumpkins. There weren't only physical aspects that divided the two, Elle had noticed their differing personalities. Fred was regularly more outgoing and seemed to be the instigator of the pranks whereas George was more sympathetic and knew when a joke had gone too far.

George was slightly taller by Fred ,only slightly, and was considered the better beater. Not that Fred would appreciate that being said. Most students considered it a talent that Elle could tell the twins apart however the brunette just claimed she spent too much time with them to not be able to distinguish them.

Elle continued to have the recurring dreams about the snake and the dog, however she noticed that one aspect coming up more and more was the marauders map. She knew how much the twins made use of this map and therefore assumed that this image was connected to her friendship with them. However as time went on she began to wonder whether this image may be connected to something else. The trio were sitting in the common room when Elle decided to enquire about that map.

"You still have that map right?" Elle muttered sitting up from her revision, the twins exchanged a glance at each other before turning awkwardly back to her,
"unfortunately we do not" Fred murmured,
"you lost it?"

"no we're not that careless" George retorted causing Elle to raise her eyebrows in a questioning manner,
"we gave it away" Fred admitted "decided we didn't have much use for it anymore"
"who did you give it to?"
"Harry" George shrugged "he wanted to sneak into Hogsmeade"
"fair enough" Elle sighed wishing she'd asked about the map earlier,
"why did you need it?" Fred asked,
"it keeps appearing in my dreams, thought it might be important" Elle turned back to her notes on potions.


With OWL's coming up, Elle was making sure she spent every moment she could studying. She knew these exams were important as every teacher seemed to love reminding all the fifth year students. The twins didn't seem as determined on revising but Elle had grown to be aware that despite seeming like they were never working, they always got incredible mark on their exams. Elle didn't know how they did it.

"we should get down to the great hall" Fred muttered standing up and yawning loudly,
"yeah probably" Elle shut her book and followed the red heads out of the common room. The great hall was already full when they arrived meaning they couldn't immediately see the rest of their group. They decided to sit on the end of the table rather than wasting time searching. The food appeared and the three began to eat happily. There was something special about Hogwarts food that you wouldn't find anywhere else. There was never a problem with it. everything was perfect and tasted delicious.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now