𝟕𝟎. 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬

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Elle followed McGonagall briskly down the corridor. She hadn't needed to hear what Elle had dreamt about, the look of fear on Elle's face had been enough to tell her it was important. The brunette was nearly out of breath before they reached their destination. Keeping up with McGonagall was more difficult than you might think.

Dumbledore's office looked just like it always did. His bird seemed younger than last time she'd visited which wasn't weird considering Fawkes was a Phoenix. The portraits on the walls looked at Elle either cheeringly or judgingly. Dumbledore himself was seating behind his impressive golden desk seeming surprised to see Elle and Minerva standing there looking so pale.

"Sweet?" He asked calmly referencing to the small bowl of what seemed to be muggle hard candies. She politely declined before McGonagall spoke,
"Elle was in a charms lesson, practicing a sleeping charm, when she had another vision" she stared importantly. Dumbledore just smiled kindly at her.

"What was this dream about Elle?" Last time she'd come to Dumbledore about a dream he hadn't asked her to describe it but instead he'd allowed her to depart it into a magical object known as a pensive. This time however he seemed to be taking a less magical approach as Elle took a seat awkwardly at his desk.

"At first it seemed like a celebration of the tournament, I was a champion standing before a large maze" Dumbledore looked knowingly to Minerva which implied she'd been correct in a prediction.
"But then the dream changed, I was in a graveyard by an old house. I couldn't see anyone with me a first but then a figure stepped out of the shadows holding a small baby by the looks of it. I couldn't see the child as they were covered in blankets but they both moved towards a cauldron" Elle took a breath and checked that Dumbledore was still listening intently.

"Before they could do anything the figure yelled out 'kill the spare' and then they raised their wand and yelled a spell... I recognised it as the killing curse. There was a bunch of green light and before everything went dark I saw a flash of images... fire, the school crumbling, screaming voices and a face at the centre. I didn't recognise the face but it was pale and terrifying with red eyes and no nose"

Dumbledore stared for a moment unsure of what to say. Elle couldn't read the expression on his face. The man was always unreadable even Angelina wouldn't be able to know what was going on in his mind.
"Did you see anyone else at the graveyard?" He asked calmly and immediately shook her head.

"He said kill the spare which sounded like someone was with me but I saw no one"
"And do you think this is connected to the tournament" Elle pondered to herself, she had assumed the dreams were separate but now she wasn't so sure.

"I don't know sir" she shrugged,
"What about the graveyard, was there anything special about it?"
"There was a large house on the top hill and um.... I saw a name on one of the graves"
"What name?"
"Tom Riddle"

Dumbledore definitely seemed shocked for a moment, even Elle spotted it. His eyes darted to Minerva who seemed now... scared but Elle hadn't expected it from the usual stern and pulled together woman.
"Who's Tom Riddle?" Elle blurted curiously.
Dumbledore sighed trying to decide whether he should tell her or not.

"Tom Riddle was the name originally given to the wizard now know as Voldemort, it was also his fathers name" he admitted and Elle's skin went cold. Words wouldn't escape her mouth as she sat in silence staring in fear at the head master.
"We'll increase security around the tournament" Dumbledore directed his words at McGonagall, "have teachers walking around the maze itself, I don't think this is connected but we better be safe"

With that he turned back to Elle,
"As far as we know these images may be random, they could happen far in the future and may not be connected, they may not concern you at all" he smiled sympathetically "I need you to not worry about this, if you have anymore dreams go to Minerva and she will bring you here"


With all these instructions and words of wisdom, Elle headed out of the office and walked shakily down a corridor. Charms had ended meaning she had defence against he dark arts now but she definitely didn't feel up to having a lesson with moody. Instead she walked out into the open air not wanting to be stuffed inside the common room.

Images of her dream still flashed before her eyes, specifically the image of the pale red eyed monster. The sun shone down in her as she paced freely across the grass. She didn't see anyone as she was out pacing by the black lake. The water was still and calm so she flopped down next to it.

Elle had enjoyed not having these dreams for a few months, it was like being free although she hadn't really appreciated it considering she'd pretty much forgotten she could do it in the first place. The person she wanted to talk to was of course her brother. He had the same gift as her as she couldn't help but wonder whether he had seen anything similar.

She didn't know where Theo was at this time but Hermione had once told her that owls don't always need a location only a name. Elle didn't understand his the owl knew where to go but after spending four years surrounded by magic, she has learnt not to ask too many questions.

She made a mental note to send a letter to Theo with Moon. She stayed out until she knew dinner would be arriving. After that she got up and regretfully walked back into the shadowed castle.


Food was great as usual and she ate hungrily as she sat with Patrick and Anna, after all she had promised she's still sit with them even though she'd reconciled things with her other friends. Her Gryffindor gang didn't mind, they still saw her a lot.

She was more quiet in the common room that night as they sat around the fire. Elle couldn't help but notice that George was staring at her. Alicia and Angelina had already asked her hey she'd rushed out of the classroom and she'd just lied and said she'd been embarrassed about waking up so loudly. They knew about her gift with the dreams but for some reason she didn't want to talk bout it again.

Time wore on and eventually people started seeping off to bed one by one. Elle hadn't noticed that she was one of the last ones sitting staring into the fire. As she looked up, she noticed that it was only her and George. He hadn't seemed to notice either.

Elle jumped up quickly to avoid anymore awkward encounters and then she walked over to the stairs,
"Elle?" The voice rang out she felt her heart stop beating for just a moment. She turned sloe,y to see George looking at her, not in anger but in concern. Noticing that he had her attention he continued to talk,
"Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine" Elle lied and faked a smile. George looked back to the fire and Elle stood there for a moment before turning and walking up the steps feeling more confused than ever.


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now