𝟏𝟎. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞

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That night the team celebrated in the Gryffindor common room, Harry included this time, turns out ,just as Alicia had suspected, the sixth years were in fact awful at quidditch one of them scored one while the other didn't score any.

Fred and George seemed especially happy as they danced round in circles singing songs and laughing as though there was no tomorrow. In fact Elle had never felt this happy before, she finally had friends people around her who actually cared how she felt and what she wanted and now to make matters better she was on the Gryffindor quidditch team.

Of course the first match wasn't for another couple of weeks but Wood ensured that there would be training on Saturday and Sunday morning at ungodly hours.
None the less Elle couldn't be more excited about her venture into the sporting world and she beamed as she sat between Alicia and Angelina with mugs of pumpkin juice as they talked over the history of quidditch.

"Of course then there's the quidditch World Cup" Angelina began "I've always wanted to see that in person... just imagine" she sighed. Wood agreed with her before suggesting that the team should call it a night,
"Are you joking, it's only half nine" The twins booed but Oliver shrugged at them carelessly.

"With you two making so much noise it won't be long until McGonagall comes bursting in here" Angelina and Alicia agreed and stood up of the sofa they were sharing,
"You coming Elle?" They smiled but the brunette shook her head,
"I'll be up soon" the two girls left followed shortly by Harry who hadn't said much the entire evening, not that he would have been heard much over the twins singing.

Now it was just the trio sitting peacefully in the common room, well as peaceful as the twins could be. They took Angelina and Alicia's seat on the sofa and sighed heavily as they laid their red heads back against the chair looking exhausted.
"You've tired yourselves out from all that dancing" Elle smirked as she laid her head back to match the twins.

"Worth it"
"Definitely worth it"
Elle sniggered as the three sat in silence looking up at the high ceiling of the Gryffindor common room,
"I'm glad you're the chaser and not Katie" George admitted,
"Me too... I like Katie but she's not as fun" Fred continued,
"I'm glad I got it too" Elle smiled happily.

It didn't take long until exhaustion got the better of the brothers and Fred began to snore gently, Elle looked over at George who was still awake and looking over at her,
"Does he always snore" Elle whispered and George smirked,
"Only when he's had pumpkin juice" George replied quietly "guess it's my job to get him to bed... should be fun" he smiled.

"You could just leave him here" Elle shrugged,
"I could it would be funnier to put him under his bed... because then when he wakes up he'll..."
"Hit his head off the bed... yes good one George" Fred's snarky voice came from behind the two,
"Ah he's awake... problem solved" Elle laughed, Fred grumbled something inaudible before slouching off up the stairs to his dorm.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now