𝟏𝟐𝟒. 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫

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It was dark in the apartment. Elle had gone to bed early as usual. Sometimes days tired her out way too much she put it down to being lazy meaning she was often in bed at nine or even earlier.
Her eyes opened to the sound of voices, they were loud and inconsiderate. Didn't they know Elle was trying to sleep?
She picked up the pillow on the other side of the bed and clamped it over her right ear, her left muffled against the pillow she was already lying on.

The stars were beautiful tonight. She always left the pale white curtains open slightly so she could see them twinkling down at her.
She'd imagine that her parents were smiling down from the heavens. Maybe Cedric and Sirius were so where out there too.
The navy sky projected the little white lights perfectly. She always loved the night, the glimpse of the glowing white moon behind a poof of cotton candy cloud.

Voices were louder now and Elle groaned to herself before rolling out of bed to investigate.
"Why are you both being so loud?" Elle complained as she walked into the room. She was shocked to see her uncle standing next to Athena. Why were they in the kitchen?
"Um ... hi?" Elle muttered.

"Elle something's happening at Hogwarts" George explained immediately,
"Yes but you shouldn't worry" Remus said immediately,
"Then why did you come here at all?" Fred snapped "why come tell us if you don't want us to come?"
"It's just a warning" Athena sighed "we don't know much but we need to go now"

"I'm coming" Elle said immediately,
"No you're not" George and Remus spoke in unison but Elle just raised her eyebrows,
"If somethings happening then I'm coming too" she replied shortly,
"The so are we" Fred nodded "having more backup can't be a bad thing"

"It can be if it might get you into danger" Remus sighed,
"You came here" George shrugged "if you didn't want us to help you should have stayed away"
Elle ran back into the room and pulled back on the clothes she had been wearing that day as fast as she could.
"What is happening at Hogwarts?" Elle called loudly suddenly realising that she had no idea.

"There's death eaters there" Remus replied as Elle burst out of the room having fully changed,
"Well let's go then" Elle responded quickly. Remus looked hesitant but Athena nodded,
"We don't have any time to argue, they need us there" she added "there aren't any enchantments around the school, they've been broken for some reason so we can apperate straight there".

Elle nodded as the group of five turned on the spot and felt themselves being pulled away through the darkness.
Each of them arrived in the entrance hall. Yelling could be heard from the distance as well as shouts from confused and scared students.
"This way" Athena yelled as everyone started following her, breaking into a run as they went.

They raced up staircases every while they voices were getting louder and louder,
"Who's already here? Asked Elle breathlessly as they reached the top of another staircase,
"Tonks, Bill" Athena began "some other auror's and I think Layla"
Yells were definitely more prominent now as they approached the astronomy tower.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now