𝟑𝟗. 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐫

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It was first day back at school staring fifth year and Elle couldn't be happier, summer had been ok despite the tension that seemed to be brewing between Elle and her parents. Remus has visited for a couple of weeks and it seemed that Heather and Samson had completely warmed to him being into their home. Even though summer hadn't been as bad as expected, the brunette still couldn't wait to go back to school and see all of her friends again.

The station was fuller than usual and Elle figured she was early as she said goodbye to her parents at the car and strolled through hearing loud conversations and shouting.
"Elle!!" The girl turned to see two familiar red heads running towards her. They engulfed her in a tight hug and Elle smelt the usual combination of gunpowder, sweets and George's signature cinnamon.

"How was Egypt?" Elle beamed as the twins walked beside her towards platforms nine and ten,
"Brilliant, absolutely brilliant" George grinned excitedly,
"Did you lock Percy in a tomb?"
"Unfortunately not... we did try though" Fred muttered
"Several times" the annoyed voice of the older brother came from behind them.

The platform was crowded as children weren't even on the train yet as the doors weren't open. The twins were currently telling Elle every detail of their holiday to Egypt and she couldn't help feel slightly jealous that she had never been on exciting trips like this. Soon the doors open and the twins along with their siblings waved enthusiastic goodbyes to their parents while Elle stood awkwardly behind waiting.

"Come on let's get a carriage before all the first years bombard them" Fred grabbed Elle's hand and pulled her onto the train. They jumped into the first carriage they found and relaxed into the seats while George slid the door close.
"Fifth year eh" he muttered "mental that"
"I know George, we're probably going to have to do some work this year"
"Or pull some more incredible pranks"
"Sounds more like it" Elle murmured.

"So how was your summer?" The two red heads turned to Elle who fell silent for a moment trying to figure out a way to make her summer sound remotely interesting,
"It was alright" she shrugged as the train began to pull off from the station. She could tell neither of the twins believed this statement but they carried on chatting normally nevertheless.

Around twenty minutes into their journey, the door slid open and the infamous Lee Jordan collapsed dramatically into the seat next to Elle,
"Where've you been" Fred grinned as Lee held his hand over his face,
"They've made me a prefect" he groaned and the three friends frowned in disbelief,
"You? A perfect" George raised his eyebrows suspiciously.

"Yes me" he snapped "I'm supposed to be there now but they're all such pompous gits just like your brother"
"Who are the other prefects?" Elle enquired Lee ignoring his bashing remark towards Percy,
"I don't know yet" Lee sighed,
"Then how do you know they're all pompous gits" George grimaced,
"I'm assuming" Lee drawled sarcastically and the twins smirked,
"They probably think the same thing about you mate"
"And they'd be right" the twins cackled as Elle shot the boy a sympathetic glance.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now