𝟐𝟒. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫

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The end of year feast was a great success for the Gryffindor's who ended up winning the house cup due to the efforts classmates such as Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom. However with the end of year feast came... well the end of year which was disappointing for Elle and her friends who weren't going to be able to see each other for around two months.

The girls in Gryffindor were sat in their dorm packing and talking about how they'd cope without contact, of course it wasn't that much of a problem for Lauren and Katie who practically did everything together. As well as that Alicia was able to spend summer with Angelina, they were planning on going to France for two weeks and the girls couldn't be more thrilled.

So really it was just Elle who was going to be on her own, even the Weasley twins had each other. Since her parents had become more accepting to magic, Elle had definitely been able to get along with them a lot better but that didn't help the fact that she still felt lonely at home most of the time. She had hoped that Alicia would come home with her but considering Angelina's summer sounded way more exciting, Elle didn't blame her best friend for choosing that option.


The train for Hogwarts came after lunch meaning Elle had all morning to track down her other friends and say goodbye, she wasn't allowed in other dorm rooms as they were guarded by passwords or riddles but she managed to find them all anyhow. The three Hufflepuff's were sitting by their favourite tree basking in the new summer sunshine. Elle felt bad upon seeing Alina as the face of the criminal Theodore Sanders was now burnt into her brain and it guilted her to know what he did to her parents.

She'd learned that Alina lived with her grandmother Rosemary along with her younger sister Katherine and older brother Spencer, turns out the ginger was open talking about her parents, it had been a hard thing for her to go through but she'd accepted there was nothing she could do but stay positive and Elle admired her for that. Of course she didn't mention she dreamt about her parents torturer because that would just be... well weird and insensitive.

Elle sat in the sun with the group hearing about all their holiday plans, Emilia was going to Tenerife with her family and Lawrence was going mountain climbing somewhere in the north. Unfortunately Elle had no exciting plans to share, Elle rarely went on holiday and when she did it was never anywhere exciting. She'd never been out of England and she'd never been on a plane, safe to say you can see why her life had been a boring one.

The Gryffindor found her remaining friends at lunch, she got weird looks walking over to the Slytherin table but was greeted welcomingly by Dan and Kaylee who were sitting next to some other third year Slytherins who didn't pay them much attention. Turns out Kaylee would be travelling America all summer while Dan would be spending most of it with his siblings in Greece. Jealously seeped into Elle as she heard about all these amazing things people were doing while she thought back to her small house and boring town.

However Anna and Patrick lightened her mood as usual.
"Holiday plans? Yeah fuck that" Patrick frowned "I can't be arsed for any of that"
"Stop swearing you pig"
Safe to say Anna and Patrick would definitely not be  going away anywhere in the summer however they would be spending it together which was still better than anything Elle had in store.

After lunch she realised that there were still two people she hadn't said goodbye to. The Weasley twins. Strangely enough she hadn't seen them all day which was odd considering their loud nature and vibrant hair.
Elle eventually found them in the common room lounging on the sofas, she grinned as she took a seat opposite them and waited to see how long it would take the, to notice her presence.

About a minute later Fred leapt out of his skin startling George who had seemed so comfortable.
"Geez woman how long have you been there" Fred groaned,
"Not that long" Elle smiled innocently,
"Watching us sleep is weird even for you Elle" George joked.

"I was coming to say goodbye"
"Oh really, where are you going?" Elle stared at them blankly for a moment before it dawned on their faces,
"Oh right it's the last day... couldn't you say bye on the train... or on the platform"
"Well yes but I thought it would be easier to say it now in case I didn't see you"
"She's not sitting with us on the train Fred, I feel betrayed" Elle rolled her eyes,
"Thought you were our friend" Fred sniffed causing Elle to kick his shin,
"Stop abusing me" he whined.

"Can you two just let me say goodbye please"
"Well since you said please" they said in unison,
"That still creeps me out" Elle frowned,
"That's an awfully strange way to say goodbye"

The goodbye to the twins was fruitless considering she sat next to them on the train back anyway. She had attempted to find Alicia and the girls but failed and due to her intense laziness decided that sitting with the twins was her best option. Plus they were the most fun to hang out with. It seemed weird that she'd know them for a whole ten months, it seemed like yesterday she had been sitting on the train coming to Hogwarts laughing awkwardly at their jokes and trying to seem confident. Well look at them now.

The twins didn't have many summer plans but considering they had such a large family this didn't surprise Elle, must be hard going in a vacation with seven children.
Nevertheless, Elle was still jealous of the amount of siblings the twins had. They didn't throughly enjoy it, they said it was exhausting at times even when two of their brothers didn't live with them anymore.
However since Elle had never experienced having a sibling she didn't understand their complaints and wish they would realise how lucky they were.

The train ride back with the twins went way too quickly and Elle didn't want to say goodbye to them when she left. It wasn't as though she disliked going home and spending time with her family but two months seemed excessive without any contact from her friends. They had offered to write letters and stay in touch but Elle always feared how weird delivery owls would seem to her oddly nosy neighbours. She doubted they would catch on to her families magical heritage but she couldn't risk anything seeming out of order.


Therefore she knew the two months ahead would be long ones. The trio climbed off the train bags in hand as the bustle of parents swarmed into the station. Elle could spot the Weasley parents from a mile away fawning over Ron and pinching Percy's cheeks to his great annoyance. The twins turned regretfully to Elle,
"Well it's actually goodbye this time" Fred stayed dramatically.

"Yeah hope you can cope with two months without us" George gasped,
"I've done it before" Elle smiled. They stood there for a moment before Fred pulled Elle into a hug,
"I'm going to miss you woman" he muttered,
"You'll be the one missing if you keep calling me woman" she said muffled as she hugged Fred tightly,
She turned to hug George and smiled at the familiar scent of cinnamon,
"I'll miss both of you" she finally smiled.

"See you in two months"
"See you in two months"
With that they walked begrudgingly towards their mother who hugged them tightly in excitement, Elle found herself near to crying as she thought of all the great times she'd had with her friends and how she would have to wait two months to create anymore.
She watched as families rekindled, friends hugged one last time and siblings ran around excitedly upon seeing their brothers or sisters.

As she ran through the barrier the weight of the muggle world fell back upon her but she found herself smiling as she noticed her parents standing by platform nine.
"Elle" they beamed happily as they pulled her into a hug, "did you have a good term ... how did exams go"
"Oh they were cancelled... it's a long story" Elle muttered knowing that she definitely did not want to tell the whole truth... her parents would probably never send her back to Hogwarts.


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now