𝟏𝟑𝟎. 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐡

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Harry's birthday was a few days later and Molly insisted throwing the boy a party. It was his seventeenth after all.
The Weasley mother had been trying to get people around the house to do an extreme load of jobs in preparation for the wedding. This of course meant that Elle and the twins had been mainly hiding at the flat.

George had to wear a bandage over his ear. Elle was still getting used to the gaping hole in the side of his head every time he changed it. She had no idea how he must be feeling about it.
"George!" Elle called from the room while she was getting ready to go to the Burrow for Harry's birthday. She'd donned a casual dress with her regular boots.

No reply came from the apartment,
"George!" Elle yelled louder, still no response. She kicked open the bedroom door lazily with her foot and saw him sitting casually at the kitchen table drinking a mug of tea.
"George" she stated simply. He finally looked up and smiled calmly,

"I called you like twice" Elle sighed,
"Yes we'll in case you hadn't noticed I only have one ear" he smiled sweetly "so the hearing isn't brilliant"
"George I love you I really do but we both know you heard me calling you" Elle rolled her eyes,
"You just know I was calling to complain that you left the room in a mess again"

"What was that?" He smirked "cant hear you"
Elle internally groaned before going back into the room and waving her wand so the mess all cleaned itself up,
"Guess I have to do everything" Elle murmured knowing full well that this took absolutely no effort.

"Are you ready to go?" Elle asked as she walked back into the apartment. Fred was there now, it seemed he had appeared out of nowhere.
"We can't be early" said Fred "or mum will make us do some ridiculous job"
"Yes we should be late" George nodded in agreement.

"Whatever" Elle muttered "though I thought you were supposed to be doing something to your ghoul"
"My what?" George frowned,
"Ghoul" Elle and Fred both repeated "you said something about turning it into Ron so he can disappear off with Harry without the ministry finding out"

"We did that yesterday" yawned Fred,
"Did you?" said Elle "I didn't see you go out yesterday"
"Because you were asleep" George muttered,
"Oh right" Elle shrugged.

"Ok we should go" Fred said as he looked at his watch,
"It's not early is it?" Asked George in a rather panicked tone "because I really don't want to muck out the chickens"
"She won't make you do anything" Fred sighed "not poor Georgie with his bloody missing ear"
"For your information having one ears quite difficult" George huffed.

"Right let's go" Elle interrupted them both "Molly won't make you do chores, it's a celebration after all"
With that they linked arms and turned into the darkness as usual.
With a pop they arrived outside the gate into the burrow. George pushed it open and walked in first.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now