𝟏𝟑𝟑. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝

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When Elle awoke she was staring up at the sky, the stars were twinkling, the navy blue was highlighted by the soft glow of the moon. Everything seemed normal but Elle knew the world was far from it.
She pushed herself up and turned in the direction of the tent. It was cold and dark looking. Elle jumped up and ran towards it, jumping over the fence again she rushed straight inside.

Parts of the white fabric had been burnt down, leaving gaping holes everywhere. Shattered glass littered the floor along with dead flowers and scatters of ash.
Only one golden balloon remained, bobbing serenely trying to escape out of one of the large holes in the tent roof.
A few people sat around the many tables, dabbing wounds or just looking exhausted.

Elle's eyes darted around and landed on George's who was already running towards her.
"I thought you'd left" he muttered as he hugged her "why are you so cold"
"Where's Theo?" Elle asked immediately, George frowned at her,
"Left with the rest of the death eaters, why?"

"No" Elle moaned "he'd broken out, he was him again"
"He wasn't when he left" George smiled sadly "tried to curse my other ear off"
"I thought I had him back" Elle whispered,
"So where have you been?" George asked as he led her over to a table to sit down.

Her legs wobbled beneath her as she finally caved into her seat feeling physically and emotionally drained,
"Stunned outside" explained Elle "Theo did it so the death eaters wouldn't kill me I suppose"
"Well that's good of him" George huffed.

"How's Verity?" Elle asked quickly as she remembered the purple flame that had caused the girl to crumple,
"She's awake now" George smiled sadly "I don't know what hit her, but she'll be ok"
"That's good" Elle nodded "what about everyone else"
"No ones dead or severely injured so that's a start"

"Where did Kennedy go?"
"Ah well" George sighed "Athena and her had a bit of an argument"
"How come?"
"Kennedy came here to crash the party apparently and Athena was annoyed that she hadn't even bothered to show up for her wedding"

"I don't think Kennedy came here to crash the party" Elle frowned,
"Why not?"
"Because who brings a baseball bat to crash a party"
"A psychopath" George laughed "I mean Kennedy isn't entirely sane"

"I think she knew they were coming here, she saved my life"
"Well that's something to be grateful for" George smiled,
"What about Athena and Remus, are they okay?"
"Yeah they stayed for a bit but Remus is in danger from the ministry so he had to run"

"And Harry?"
"He Ron and Hermione got away"
"Yeah I thought I saw them leave"
"Mums in bits" George sighed "they searched the house of course, looking for him but there wasn't anything... think they believed the ghoul cover up which is a start"

"That's good" Elle sighed "what about the ministry, has it been completely taken over"
"Yes" said George "Pius Thickness is the new minister and he's under Voldemort's control, everything's going to shit basically"
"Where do we go from here?"
"Hiding" George stated plainly "close up the shop, we can stay in the flat... Kingsley and dad put some protection on it so we should be alright"

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now