𝟔𝟑. 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞

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Over the next couple of weeks, Elle and George decided to follow Fred's 'ingenious' plan. After all with the load of work rolling in and the next trial not taking place until June, they didn't have much to keep them entertained.

At first Elle was sure one of the girls would notice immediately. Her bets were on Lauren as she was always enquiring Elle about which twin she liked more.

It started slow. The first attempt was after lessons in the common room. The group would always sit round the fire and complain about their subjects. Especially Katie who seemed to hate every subject she took.

Elle leant abasing George with her head on his shoulder as Katie ranted about charms for what seemed like the fifty seventh time. She looked expectantly at Lauren who didn't seem to be paying attention.

"They'll figure it out before the end of the week" Elle muttered to the twins who were currently planning how best to prank Lee Jordan with a ton ton toffee considering he already knew what they were.

Fred and George's sweet business seemed to be taking hold of their minds. They'd developed them over the summer but so far the toffees were their favourite. They'd talked excitedly about how they pranked Harry Potters annoying muggle cousin with them and how their father had almost killed them for it.

If Elle could see Fred and George doing anything in the future, she could see them opening a joke business. After all it's what they talked about doing. It would suit them greatly as they were the best practical jokers she knew. As well as that after seeing them collecting bets for the tournament, Elle saw how business like they actually were.

"Maybe they've already figured it out" George mumbled while examining the small wrapped sweet in his had "do you think it would work if we put it in his drink?"

"Nah it doesn't dissolve easily, he'd probably notice" Fred shook his head decidedly,
"They would have said something if they'd figured it out" Elle continued as she chose to ignore the discussion about sweets.

"Unless they're minding their own business" George shrugged "I've got it, we pretend we're having a competition to see who can catch toffees in their mouths, we use normal ones and when Lee joins in we'll chuck him one of these babies"

"That is brilliant" Fred clapped "couldn't have thought it up myself"
"Don't flatter me Fred" George blushed sarcastically.

"Lauren doesn't know the definition of minding her own business" Elle huffed as the boys cleared the sweets into their pockets,
"Elle it's not a big deal" Fred sighed, "why don't you just tell them if you're so bothered"

"Because you were the one who suggested waiting in the first place" She groaned dramatically falling back onto the sofa. The boys rolled their eyes before grinning at each other wickedly.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now