𝟐𝟏. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐟𝐟'𝐬

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Since Defence against them dark arts had in fact been the last lesson Elle had that Thursday, when she left Dumbledore's study she walked hurriedly back to the Gryffindor common room fully aware that it was likely her friends would be worrying about her.
As she muttered the password to the fat lady and stepped through the doorway she was immediately ambushed by a bunch of yells and turned to see a group of her friends sitting round a table by the fire.

"One at a time please ladies and gentlemen" Elle smirked sarcastically as she took a seat next to Lauren who was painting her nails a vivid shade of blue.
"Why did you go?" Elle paused for a moment, was she actually aloud to tell anyone. Dumbledore's hadn't told her to hide her gift however he'd also told her to be wise about it and to be wary that people may attempt to take advantage of it. However she trusted the group of friends she'd accumulated so she began.

"Turns out I have the gift of foresight" the group looked at her in shock, Lauren dropped her nail polish cursing to herself and Fred gasped turning to his brother in concern when he remained completely unsurprised.
"So you can predict the future... what like that nut Trelawney?" Lee enquires,
"No it's different to that... I see the future in my dreams, it's not always very clear but it's like a memory playing in my mind"

"That is so cool" Lauren gasped as she picked up her nail polish "wait can you predict if Chase is going to ask me to be his girlfriend anytime soon"
"Unfortunately not I don't choose what I predict it's like my mind just shows me what I need to see"
"So why did Dumbledore need to see you?"
"He wanted to ask me about something I saw" Elle looked at George knowingly,
"Is it important"
"It might be... I don't really know because it hasn't happened yet" she shrugged

"What was it?"
"I don't think I should tell you that... because then it might not happen... I don't really understand it all"
"But you told Dumbledore" Angelina protested,
"Yes but that's different, he's the headmaster so it's important if he knows"


The group talked excitedly about this for a while asking a bunch of questions about the office and what it looked like. Elle thought back to the time she'd spent talking to the sorting hat, it had mentioned that she was supposed to be in Ravenclaw, it wasn't as though she had anything against that house but she found it odd considering how well she'd blended in to the Gryffindor's. This had refilled her mind with the doubt that she wasn't actually supposed to be here and that she didn't fit in with the group she was sitting with.

"Does Dumbledore actually have a Phoenix?" Angelina asked excitedly,
"Is a Phoenix a fiery coloured bird" the girl nodded "then yes he does have one of those"
"That's so coool.. I want one, did you know that they're immortal and there tears have healing powers plus they can carry really heavy weight for a long time"

"You're beginning to sound like Hermione" Fred sighed obviously exhausted by the new conversation,
"Nothing wrong with that" Elle found herself imputing, the older twin raised his eyebrows at her but didn't retort anything back.
"We should get down to the great hall"
"It's that time already" Lauren gasped, "I haven't even done my toenails yet,
"No one wants to see your toes Lauren" Lee groaned,
"No one asked you to look Jordan"
"I'm famished literally famished" George whined placing his hands over his stomach.

The group took off down the stairs towards the great hall but George hung back to walk with Elle,
"You didn't mention it was still happening" he muttered quietly so the others wouldn't hear,
"It's fine... Dumbledore said it's nothing to worry about so.."
"How did Dumbledore even know, does he have the foresight too?"

"No only one other person he knows does anyway I told McGonagall"
"You went to McGonagall about it!"
"Yes it was getting really bad and I didn't know what to do"
"You could've talked to me" at this point the group were entering the hall so now their low voices were shielded by the loud chatter bouncing against the walls,

"Yeah I know but still... who else has the foresight, is it Trelawney... oh my god you're going to go crazy like that bat aren't you" George gasped as they sat down opposite each other, the rest of the group seemed to be paying them no attention,
"No it's not Trelawney and I'm not mad... it's a guy called Theodore Sanders" the usual wicked grin on George's face dropped as he heard the name and he grew paler than usual,
"Did you just say Theodore Sanders?"

"Yeah Dumbledore mentioned he was in Askaban"
"Yeah damn right he is" George muttered quietly "he was a death eater Elle"
"What's that?"
"I swear I've told you this before" he groaned irritably,
"Yeah well tell me again"

"Death eaters were the followers of the dark lord... you know the one who tried to kill Harry Potter"
"Oh yeah the one where no one says his name"
"Yes that one"
"Quick question George"
"Yes Elle"
"If no one says his name then how come you know what it is?" George frowned but couldn't come up with a good response to the question so he just shrugged blandly.


The next day Elle dropped out of her usual trip to Hogsmede with the Gryffindor gang in order to hang out with some Hufflepuff's. She found Emilia sitting by a large tree by the lake in the grounds. She was sitting with two others, one whom she recognised as Lawrence the tall brunette. The other she didn't know, the girl had long dazzling ginger hair and a face full of freckles she was strikingly beautiful and wouldn't be out of place on a tv screen.

"Hey" Elle grinned as she plopped herself beside the group of Hufflepuff's,
"Hey Elle glad you could make it" Emilia grinned "this is Lawrence and this is Alina"
"Nice to meet you" Lawrence grinned happily, Alina smiled showing her perfectly white teeth,
"I haven't seen you before" Elle looked towards the ginger,

"I'm in second year so yes that would make sense" she smirked,
"Sorry... you're only twelve?" Elle gasped,
"I'm thirteen now" she laughed like a fairy "my birthday was in April"
"Oh... so was mine" she smiled,
"I love that name... Alina"

"Thank you" Alina beamed, "your names pretty too, though I'm biased in loving names that begin with a vowel"
Elle smiled, for some reason she couldn't help but stare at Alina something about her beauty was so enticing,
"I'll just pretend you didn't say the thing about the vowel names" Lawrence frowned.

"Anyway I saw you playing quidditch the other day... you're really good, I tried out to be keeper this year but I didn't get it" Lawrence frowned,
"Thanks it's so much fun.. you should try out again next year you look like you'd be a perfect keeper"
"Because I'm so tall"

Elle spent the rest of her day hanging out with the Hufflepuff's they had such good energy and were a joy to be around. Emilia was definitely the most unintentionally funny person she'd ever met and had all of them howling with laughter. Eventually they had to trudge back to the castle for dinner since they only had enough picnic food to last them through.
"Come hang out with us anytime Elle you're great company" Alina smiled,

"I definitely will, you guys are great fun"
As they wandered into the great hall, Elle noticed that her group of friends were all gathered round Fred in concern,
Elle dashed over to see what was wrong sitting herself down beside Katie and gasping as she saw.
Fred's eye was swollen and brought purple,
"Yeah I've been punched" Fred nodded proudly.


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now